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Unearthed: Top 12 Jaw-Dropping Fun Facts About the Mighty T-Rex!

illustration of t-rex
Prepare to embark on a prehistoric adventure as you uncover thrilling and amusing fun facts about the mighty T-Rex, dino-mite revelations await!

1. T. Rex Dentist Extraordinaire

Whoever said "laughter is the best medicine" never met a T. Rex dentist: The terrifying T. Rex had specially designed teeth with a saw-like structure and layers of dentine to endure its carnivorous feasting, regrowing teeth every two years when worn or lost.
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2. Arm's Way: The Armvolution Theory

Feeling a little "short" on jokes? Here's one T. rex confirmed to be in "arm's way": Turns out, the T. rex's stubby arms may have evolved to become smaller to avoid being chomped off during dino dinner parties, as suggested by paleontologist Kevin Padian, in the journal “Acta Palaeontologia Polonica.”
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3. T. Rex's Mighty Arm Muscles

Next time someone calls you a T. Rex because of your short arms, flex those biceps with pride because, guess what: T. Rex's arms were no weaklings: In fact, recent research has shown that each arm of the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex could bench-press over 400 pounds, making their arm muscles over three times more powerful than those of an adult human!
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4. Jurassic Parkour: Escaping T. Rex

If you've ever fancied yourself as the main course in a T. rex dinner dash, you might be pleasantly surprised to discover that you won't necessarily end up as dino-chow: Biomechanics researchers suggest that the mighty Tyrannosaurus rex could only sprint at an average speed of 16 kilometers (10 miles) per hour, putting it on par with a moderately fit human runner. So, feel free to flex those Jurassic parkour skills!
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Scent-sational T. Rex Sniffing Skills

5. Scent-sational T. Rex Sniffing Skills

Did you know the Tyrannosaurus rex was like that one friend who can always smell the pizza delivery guy a mile away? Quite the scent-sational predator, indeed: T. rex had large olfactory regions in its brain, meaning its sense of smell was uncannily powerful, allowing it to sniff out prey from afar thanks to endocasts and digital representations made from fossilized skulls and CT scanning.
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6. Bone-Crushing T-Rex Dental Power

Step aside, jackhammers and .45 caliber bullets, T-Rex's dental game is here to steal the bone-crushing spotlight: The Tyrannosaurus Rex had teeth that could generate pressures up to 431,000 pounds per square inch at their tips, allowing it to shatter tough dinosaur bones and use its teeth like a jackhammer when hunting, compensating for its tiny, almost comical arms.
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7. Teenage T. Rex's Transformation

Get ready for the Tyrannosaurus rex-olution: a teenage dino's journey from lanky rebel to the prom king of the prehistoric world! Brace for impact as we reveal the juiciest factoid: T. rex undergoes 21 growth stages, hitting mid-puberty around 18 years old, when its head and jaw deepen, teeth thicken, and it morphs into the awe-inspiring, colossal behemoth of the dinosaur kingdom.
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8. T. Rex: The Ultimate Toothy Grin

Feeling a bit toothy today? A T. rex would give you a toothy grin that literally nobody could compete with: Its monstrous cheek teeth measured a foot in length, including the root, and were as wide as a child's fist, serrated for maximum bone-crunching and flesh-shredding efficiency.
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9. T. Rex's Foray into Furry Fashion

Forget those stylish fur coats; T. rex preferred sporting the fashionable "baby fuzz" look: Although it is believed that Tyrannosaurus rex juveniles may have had a thin coat of downy feathers, as adults, they most likely strutted their scaly selves, especially after the discovery of their feathered cousin, Dilong paradoxus, suggesting the tyrannosaur family dabbled in flaunting fuzzy features at some point during their prehistoric lives.
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Toothcrunch T. Rex: Marrow Fanatic

10. Toothcrunch T. Rex: Marrow Fanatic

If T. rex were a tooth fairy, they'd be the CEO of Toothcrunch Ltd: Their chompers could generate pressure levels up to 431,000 pounds per square inch at the tips, which is 28 times more than the pressure at the bottom of the Mariana Trench! This bone-crushing ability helped them access the scrumptious marrow inside.
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11. T. Rex's Mysterious Serenades

Hold onto your Jurassic Park VHS tapes, folks: T. rex might not have roared like we once thought! Fossilized evidence of sound-producing organs remains elusive, suggesting the king of the dinos may have preferred closed-mouth vocalization—or even utilized its hollow cranial crests to serenade its rivals with otherworldly tunes.
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12. T-bone Rex: The Cannibal King

If the T. rex absolutely had to order its steak with a toothpick, it would probably ask for a side of T-bone rex: Fossils have divulged that the mighty Tyrannosaurus rex was not only one of the largest land predators, weighing a whopping 10,000 kg, but also dabbled in cannibalism, evidenced by its distinct tooth marks on the bones of fellow T. rexes.
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