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Discover the Wild World of Iguanas: Top 12 Amazing and Fun Facts You Never Knew!

illustration of iguanas
Get ready to be amazed by these scaly companions as we dive into a world full of surprising and fascinating iguana trivia!

1. Mermaid Lizards

Who said lizards can't be mermaids? Meet the marine iguana, the scaly aquatic chameleon of the reptile world: These unique creatures are the only lizards capable of diving deep into the ocean, utilizing their flattened tails and long claws to glide gracefully as they forage for red and green algae on the rocky ocean floor.
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2. Regenerating Deadpool Tails

Iguanas have the incredible superpower of channeling their inner Deadpool: they can regenerate lost limbs (well, just their tails, but still impressive)! What they lack in sassy comebacks, they make up for with this ability to grow a new tail after losing one, a process that can take up to a year. The length of their regenerated tail depends on the iguana's age and health, so it's vital to protect these little Green Laterns-in-training from predators and nourish their superhero diet. But even the best regenerating abilities have their limits, so let's give them a hand (or a tail) and keep them safe.
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3. Aquaman Iguanas

If Aquaman was a lizard, he'd surely be a marine iguana: these scaly superheroes are the only marine lizard species on Earth, boasting the ability to dive 12 meters deep, hold their breath for up to an hour, and even assemble harems of females to protect during breeding season. Talk about multitasking!
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4. Breath-Holding Masters

If you think some of your friends take ages to come up for air after diving into the depths of the latest TV show obsession, you haven't met iguanas: Most iguanas can actually hold their breath for 10 minutes to up to an hour when necessary, such as for survival during a flood or hurricane or to dive for food.
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Eco-Friendly Scuba-Divers

5. Eco-Friendly Scuba-Divers

Who says iguanas can't be eco-friendly-scuba-divers? These reptilian sub-aqua champs turn into master divers with built-in wetsuits and snorkels when it comes to food: Marine iguanas, exclusively found in the Galapagos Islands, have evolved the extraordinary ability to dive in the ocean to find their grub. Underwater, they masterfully slow their heart rate and limit blood flow to conserve energy. Once they're back on land, their dark bodies act like solar panels soaking up the sun, while they sneeze out excess salt with the help of some nifty nasal salt glands. Quite the salty, sun-bathing eco-warriors!
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6. Denture-Wearing Chameleons

Introducing the dental chameleons of the reptile world, bearing a fangtastic resemblance to old folks with dentures: Iguanas can have up to 120 teeth that are not anchored in their jawbone or covered in enamel, allowing them to easily fall out and regrow – albeit after a few months of being a toothless herbivore!
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7. Head-Bobbing Socialites

If iguanas were at a party, they'd be the ones dancing with their heads instead of their hips: These scaly socialites communicate using head bobs to show affection, assert dominance, express irritation or aggression, and even to flirt during breeding season. Blinking contests, however, are still inconclusive in lizard lingo.
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8. Salad Connoisseurs

Watch out, world: iguanas are here to kale it up! They're the original salad connoisseurs, making leaves their main squeeze and putting all other herbivores to shame: Believe it or not, iguanas don't need insects in their diet to thrive, as they primarily munch on dark leafy greens, fruits, and vegetables. Although they occasionally indulge in insect hors d'oeuvres, our scaly friends are happily dominating the plant-based lifestyle.
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9. Color-Challenged Chameleons

Iguanas, the lesser-known chameleon wannabes that forgot to sign up for their color-changing camouflage lessons: these delightful green creatures actually alter their color in response to factors such as temperature changes, stress, age, health, and shedding, all while remaining surprisingly lousy at hide-and-seek.
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Sneezy Salt-Balancers

10. Sneezy Salt-Balancers

What do iguanas and inattentive chefs have in common? They both have a flair for making a sneeze an essential part of their day! Here's the scoop: Iguanas possess specialized salt glands that allow them to sneeze out excess salt crystals, maintaining a healthy salt balance within their bodies, and simultaneously expelling unwanted foreign particles or objects from their nasal cavities.
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11. Salty Snot Rockets

Move over, tissues, iguanas have their own natural decongestant: a defensive sneeze that would make even the saltiest sailors blush! The marine iguana's saltwater diet leads to a surplus of the briny stuff in their system. To maintain healthy salinity levels, these scaly snot rockets enlist the help of their salt-excreting glands to blast away excess brine in a series of sneezes which do more than clear the airways – they clear the way for an incredible display of nature's resourcefulness.
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12. Seed-Tasting Connoisseurs

Heard of picky eaters? Meet the iguanas, the tiny green animals who moonlight as connoisseurs of the seed-tasting world! These discerning taste-testers have a preference for the best tropical seeds from Mexico's forest smorgasbord: In fact, iguanas play a crucial role in plant reproduction by chowing down on seeds that have a higher success rate of germination than regular seeds. Those seeds also avoid pest infestations, thanks to their up-close and personal encounters with our critter friends. So, cheers to iguanas, the unsung heroes of the seed world!
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