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Discover the Wild World of Lizards: Top 12 Fun Facts You Never Knew!

illustration of lizards
Get ready to scale up your knowledge with these intriguing and entertaining tidbits about our slithery, scaly, and oh-so-fascinating lizard friends!

1. Lizard Fashionistas

Lizard fashionistas or chameleons in disguise: green anoles have been turning heads ever since they stormed the reptile runway with their unparalleled ability to change color. But behind the dazzling display lies a biological riddle: these sassy Southern belle lizards change hues not to showcase their latest ensembles, but as a response to temperature, humidity, and hormonal changes, all controlled by the mysterious workings of their endocrine system.
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2. Tail-ilocks & Autotomy

Lizards truly know how to break a leg... or, rather, a tail! These plucky little reptiles should be called "Tail-ilocks," as they master the art of letting go and moving on: Lizards possess the remarkable ability of autotomy, in which they voluntarily detach their tail to elude predators. This self-defence mechanism is made possible through fracture planes in their tails, allowing a clean break without blood loss. Over time, our brave little lizard friends regrow their tails, albeit shorter and less vibrant than the originals.
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3. Lizard's Magic Trick

Who said lizards can't pull off an encore performance? That's right, these cold-blooded tail waggers can regrow their own chopped-off tails like a biological magic trick: Through blastema-based regeneration, lizards form a cartilage tube containing a new spinal cord, creating a regenerated tail that's different from their previous ones, and proves they're both masters of illusion and cellular sorcery.
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4. Sun Worshipping Lizards

Lizards might be the ultimate sun worshippers, winning the reptilian version of a tanning competition as they bronze themselves to perfection: In truth, they're basking in the sun to absorb ultraviolet B rays, transforming them into the ever-essential vitamin D3 for robust bones and muscles, thanks to a nifty sensor in their brains, as demonstrated by the bright minds at Texas Christian University.
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Built-in Reptile Goggles

5. Built-in Reptile Goggles

You know that classic phrase "having eyes in the back of your head"? Well, some lizards take that concept to the next level by rocking their very own, built-in goggles! Talk about being prepared for a dust storm or a wild party: Certain reptiles, like snakes, night lizards, and skinks, have a transparent layer of skin, called the brille, over their eyes. This disc-shaped scale protects their peepers from debris, gives them a stylish "glassy-eyed" look, and is shed along with their skin during the great lizard wardrobe change known as moulting. But don't go envying all those lizards' fashionable eye gear – only geckos and a select few other species get to flaunt this accessory!
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6. Draco Lizards' Superpowers

Move over, Superman — there's a new flying ace in town and their superpowers come from their ribs: Draco lizards glide through the air using elongated ribs and flaps of skin, skillfully steering with their forelimbs, making them the unique aerial marvels of the vertebrate world.
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7. Scaly Connoisseurs

Lizard appetites are no laughing matter: always up for a "salad" of turnip greens, a side of crickets, and the occasional blueberry for dessert, these scaly connoisseurs require five to seven feasts a week to avoid a dreadful case of metabolic bone disease.
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8. Imposter Lizard Buzzard

When is a lizard not a lizard? When it's a bird, of course: Enter the imposter of the reptile world, the lizard buzzard, which is actually a Sub-Saharan bird of prey flaunting a snazzy black line down its white throat – the ultimate fashion statement in the raptor community.
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9. Comedian Lizard's Eye Squirt

If you thought squirting flowers were only for clowns, you'd be wrong: meet the pygmy short-horned lizard, a little reptilian comedian, who can squirt blood up to four feet from its eyes! As a defense mechanism, it bursts its ocular sinuses to startle predators, but also cleverly uses the same trick for a squeaky-clean act by controlling the pressure in its sinuses to remove particles from its eyes.
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Alligator Hydration System

10. Alligator Hydration System

Who needs a straw when you've got skin like a super-absorbent alligator? These parched lizards have the ultimate party trick up their scaly sleeves: They quench their thirst by sipping water through their skin's tiny tube-like channels, funneling the liquid across their body and right into their mouths for some much-needed hydration, without even needing to take a sip. Thirsty? No problem; they've got their built-in hydration system locked and loaded!
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11. Chameleon's Gooey Grip

If you think your tongue can get you out of sticky situations, meet the chameleon, the master of slobbery entrapment: With a tongue producing mucus 400 times thicker than human saliva, chameleons effortlessly snag their snacks thanks to this gooey grip that reels prey straight into their smug, hungry mouths.
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12. Gecko Superpowers

Move over, Spider-Man: geckos are the true wall-crawling, tail-spinning superheroes of the animal kingdom! In a gravity-defying feat worthy of Marvel comics, geckos use their tails as stabilizers and emergency fifth legs to climb vertical surfaces, air-right themselves after a fall, and glide with graceful precision: this extraordinary skill has even inspired the design of cutting-edge climbing robots and small unmanned gliding vehicles.
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