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Discover the Intriguing World of Russian Tortoises: Top 8 Fun Facts You'll Love

illustration of russian-tortoises
Dive into the fascinating world of Russian tortoises, where slow and steady truly wins the race and size really doesn't matter.

1. Subterranean Excavators

Call them the subterranean excavators of the reptile world, or maybe just "Shell-don Cooper": Russian tortoises have a knack for impressively lengthy burrows and nifty toe-fashion! The serious reveal: Known for digging tunnels stretching up to 30 feet and boasting four claws on each of their cute little tortoise feet, Russian tortoises are truly the burrowing champs and four-toed dynamos of the shell-dweller kingdom.
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2. Social Shell-dwellers

They might not be the life of the party, but Russian tortoises sure know how to shell-ebrate with their pals: These surprisingly social animals are known to form strong bonds with both their fellow tortoises and human captives, even gathering in groups in the wild to bask in each other's company.
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3. X-Men's Four-toed Friends

Why did the Russian tortoise join the X-Men? It's claw-some: Boasting four claws on each foot, these unique reptiles proudly stand out as the true "four-toed tortoises."
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4. Cold Weather Burrow Masters

When it comes to digging their way out of a cold situation, Russian tortoises give the phrase "digging deep" a whole new meaning: These burrow masters have the uncanny ability to tunnel their way beneath the frost line, creating cozy, subterranean winter abodes to hibernate in and escape the chilly weather above ground.
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Dome-shaped Shell Defenders

5. Dome-shaped Shell Defenders

Don't misjudge these little guys for sunbathing pancakes: Russian tortoises actually sport a dome-shaped shell that acts like a tiny fortress, shielding them from pesky predators and Mother Nature's moody temper tantrums.
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6. Brumation Champs

Playing "freeze tag" like a pro, Russian tortoises endure the cold seasons with a little torpor: These reptilian escape artists enter a state of dormancy during colder temperatures, called brumation, to conserve energy and prevent excessive weight loss – not sleeping, but simply pressing the "pause" button on their slow and steady lives.
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7. Terrestrial, Not Aquatic

Though they might fancy themselves Marco Shell-o on occasion, venturing to conquer the undulating seas is not a Russian tortoise's cup of tea: These terrestrial travelers are ill-equipped for the swimmer's life, lacking the necessary adaptations and talents to flutter through the depths, and should always be provided with just shallow water resources – such as cozy puddles or inviting dishes – for delightfully warm soaks.
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8. Longevity Legends

Who knew Russian tortoises were part-time Methuselahs, or perhaps tortoise-Tuck Everlastings? With a splash of Hocus Pocus, their genetic makeup could even give the Grim Reaper himself the run around: In reality, these gradual-paced reptiles possess impressive longevity, with lifespans reaching from 40 to 50 years, and potentially over a century with appropriate care. Their genetic wonders contribute to their hardiness, enhancing DNA repair, immunity and cancer suppression – truly making the Russian tortoise a small, but stalwart survivor!
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