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Discover the Intriguing World of Gila Monsters: Top 8 Fun Facts You Need to Know

illustration of gila-monsters
Get ready to be amazed as we unveil the fascinating and bizarre world of gila monsters – nature's colorful, venomous oddballs!

1. Champion Eaters

Move over, competitive eaters, there's a new champ in town with a scaly grin and a bottomless appetite: Gila monsters have the astonishing ability to devour up to one-third of their body weight in a single meal!
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2. Fashion-Forward Scales

Whoever said "don't judge a book by its cover" never met a Gila monster: these fashion-forward reptiles wear their heart on their scales, showing off vibrant patterns to either camouflage from their own predators or warn others to back off. It's the original form of wearable tech, available in banded or reticulated styles, making a bold statement while donning life-saving functionality in their natural habitat.
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3. Surprisingly Speedy Waddlers

Don't judge a Gila by its waddle: Although they may appear like a prehistoric sloth going to a costume party, Gila monsters can actually achieve speeds of up to 1.5 miles per hour (2.4 kilometers per hour), making them capable of outrunning a human who isn't in full sprint mode.
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4. Venomous Snails

The Gila monster may sound like a dreadful creature from an apocalyptic sci-fi thriller, but fear not, for these creatures are the snails of the venomous reptile world: Gila monsters top out at a leisurely pace of 1.5 miles per hour (2.4 kilometers per hour) and spend most of their lives hiding underground.
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Diabetes-Busting Drool

5. Diabetes-Busting Drool

Call them venomous sugar daddies: Gila monsters, those crafty venomous lizards with a knack for making humans wince, have been secretly brewing something sweet in their saliva. Turns out, their hormone-rich drool is strikingly similar to the human hormone GLP-1, leading to the development of a type 2 diabetes medication called exenatide that mimics GLP-1's effects and boosts insulin production.
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6. Potent Venom Tricks

Gila monsters might not have the jaw-dropping prowess of their crocodilian cousins, but they've still got a venomous trick up their scaly sleeves: these reptilian pranksters rely on their potent venom to immobilize prey, making up for their less-than-stellar biting force and clingy, inseparable bites.
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7. Painful Smooches

Gila monsters may not win any beauty contests, but they sure do pack a punch with their venom-filled smooches: Though not aggressive creatures, their venom can lead to severe pain, swelling, and other symptoms, sometimes even requiring hospitalization, so it's best to respect their boundaries and refrain from any unwanted cuddling.
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8. Bite and Hold Strategy

Gila monsters may not have attended the school of hard knocks, but they sure know how to deliver a dreadful bite few could ever forget: These tenacious reptiles come equipped with a venomous vise of a jaw capable of applying bone-crushing pressure, unleashing a world of pain as the toxins seep through grooves in their lower teeth, all while refusing to let go – despite their fierce chomps, fatal endings are quite uncommon.
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