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Discover Joy in Later Years: Top 5 Fun Facts About Retirement You Won't Believe!

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"Sit back, relax, and get ready to giggle, as we unveil some surprising and entertaining fun facts about retirement you probably never knew!"

1. Retirement Elixir of Life

Who knew kicking back in a hammock could be a lifesaver? Here's a retirement plan for you: chuck your wigs and pick the suntan lotion, because early retirement might just be the elixir of life: A study by economists from the University of Amsterdam found that male Dutch civil servants aged 54 and above who retired early were 42% less likely to die over the following five years compared to those who kept up the daily grind. This is attributed to having more time to focus on health, reducing stress, and dodging hypertension and other fatal conditions. Cheers to a rocking chair, a good mystery novel, and a healthier, happier life!
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2. Fun-trepreneurs Unleashed

Retirees everywhere are declaring "We've got time on our side!" and dedicating themselves to becoming the "Fun-trepreneurs" that the world truly needs: A Merrill Lynch study estimates a "leisure boom" among the 65+ population in the next two decades, generating a whopping 2.5 trillion hours of leisure time, making them more "time affluent" than the "time constrained" 35-44 age group for the first time in the US. The retirement leisure travel economy even has its eyes set on a $4.6 trillion jackpot over the next 20 years.
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3. Boomer Travel Boom

Pack your bags, boomers, and don't forget your selfie stick: AARP's 2019 Boomer Travel Trends survey states that 94% of baby boomers plan to embark on at least one domestic adventure during their golden years, with an average of four to five trips up for grabs and 53% even setting their sights on international jet-setting. As if that weren't enough, retirement globetrotting is getting a head start, as travel planning now begins earlier than ever before, and you can thank social media for turning these itinerary wizards into seasoned influencers.
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4. Retirees Rolling Less in Dough

Talk about putting the "tire" in "retirement" – turns out there's way less rolling in dough for this golden age group: Retired households spend approximately $15,200 (or 25%) less annually than working households, with healthcare expenses being the only outlier, increasing by nearly 44% as they adjust their spending habits to match their updated lifestyles and incomes.
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Unleashing Inner Picasso

5. Unleashing Inner Picasso

Unleash the Picasso in your Pajamas, the Monet on your Monday, and the Frida Kahlo at your free time: Retirement is a goldmine for creative exploration, with studies showing that activities like painting, pottery, and jewelry-making contribute to improved mental health, greater well-being, and even a longer life.
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