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Discover the Surprising World of Occupational Therapy: Top 5 Fun Facts You Never Knew!

illustration of occupational-therapy
Dive into the fascinating world of occupational therapy - an arena filled with whimsical surprises and captivating tidbits that are guaranteed to pique your curiosity!

1. Spider-Man's Secret Putty

You know how Spider-Man has incredible grip and finger strength? That's because he secretly uses occupational therapy's greatest weapon: theraputty! Seriously, though: therapists use this colorful, non-toxic putty to improve hand strength, finger dexterity, and fine motor skills in people of all ages, with six exciting resistance levels that can be kneaded, squeezed, and stretched for versatile and enjoyable therapy sessions.
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2. Picasso Meets Mr. Potato Head

When Picasso meets Mr. Potato Head: Art Play, a delightful book teeming with developmentally appropriate art projects, combines the magic of artistic expression with playful undertones, all for the betterment of a child's pinch and grip strength, eye-hand coordination, motor planning, visual attention, tool usage, precision, gross motor skills, and tactile experiences - essentially, turning occupational therapy into a full-scale masterpiece of dexterity and amusement.
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3. Cutting-Edge Axe Therapy

In a cutting-edge attempt to axe-pand occupational therapy techniques, therapists are now sharpening their patients' skills in a thrilling endeavor: welcome to the world of therapeutic axe throwing, where participants can improvise their dexterity, hand-eye coordination, and team spirit in a setting that fosters merriment and healthy competition.
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4. The Matrix of Motor Recovery

Step aside, traditional therapy, it's time to level-up and plug into the Matrix: Virtual reality technology is taking occupational therapy to new heights by delivering an immersive experience that greatly enhances motor recovery, allowing patients to perform up to 200-300 functional movements in a one-hour session – compared to traditional therapy's measly 23-32 repetitions – and it's all thanks to cutting-edge devices like the Neofect Rapael Smart Glove, Smart Kids, SaeboVR, and Flint Rehabilitation MusicGlove that make therapy a virtual rollercoaster ride of fun!
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Battling "Fall" Season at Home

5. Battling "Fall" Season at Home

Why did the elderly man add an extra bar to his bathroom? To prevent a different kind of "fall" season: Occupational therapists have found that home modifications, like adding grab bars, non-skid bath mats, and raised toilet seats, can decrease falls in older adults by 25% to 40%, boosting both safety and independence during daily self-care activities.
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