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Discover the Quirky World of Newts: Top 9 Amazing Fun Facts You Never Knew!

illustration of newts
Dive into the fascinating world of newts and prepare to be amazed by these tiny, tail-sporting treasures of nature!

1. Real-life Deadpool Newts

If you thought Deadpool had an impressive healing factor, just wait till you meet the real-life superheroes of the amphibian world: enter the regenerating newts! These fantastic creatures have cornered the market on growing back lost limbs, eyes, and even organs – making them a top pick for scientists in their quest to uncover the secrets of tissue and organ regeneration.
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2. Part-time Mermaid Breathing

Newts might be part-time mermaids, but they haven't nailed the underwater breathing gig just yet: these seemingly mystical creatures can absorb oxygen through their skin while submerged, but still need to poke their heads above water for a good gulp of air now and then.
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3. Pheromone-aided Flirting

If love potions were real, newts would be Hogwarts' top students: Male red-bellied newts woo their ladies with a potent pheromone called sodefrin, secreted from their abdominal glands, which can even make inactive males join the flirt fest.
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4. Chameleon-like Camouflage

Newts are the ultimate quick-change artists, pulling off a Houdini as their skin does the chameleon tango: The Iberian newt, an amphibian larva, can adjust its skin pigmentation to match its environment, redistributing light-absorbing melanosomes to achieve crypsis and avoid being caught by predators, though it might cost them a bit of energy in the process.
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Lethal Poison Defense

5. Lethal Poison Defense

Those daring newts truly put the "skinny" in "living life on the thin-skinned edge": these eclectic little creatures possess a powerful poison called tetrodotoxin in their skin, warning predators to swim away or face potential fatality, sharing this extreme defense mechanism with none other than the Japanese puffer fish.
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6. Heart-tissue Regeneration

Despite their inability to belt out a power ballad during a total eclipse of the heart, newts have a trick up their sleeve that would make Bonnie Tyler green with envy: they can regenerate their heart tissue after injury, thanks to a series of cellular processes like dedifferentiation, proliferation, migration, and re-differentiation, putting them in the exclusive club of vertebrate species - along with zebrafish - that can pull off this remarkable feat.
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7. The Limb-regrowing Superheroes

Newts: the superheroes in disguise, armed with the mighty power to regrow their limbs and spinal cords on a whim! They're like real-life Wolverines or Deadpool without all the snark: these fascinating creatures possess blastemal cells that enable tissue regeneration, giving certain newt species a remarkable survival advantage few other animals can boast.
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8. Dramatic Multiple Transformations

Ever heard of a remarkable green shapeshifter that moonlights as a fiery orange land-dweller and an underwater fashionista? No, it's not the latest superhero or a fancy cocktail, but close enough: Eastern newts are fascinating amphibians that morph multiple times throughout their lives, transitioning from smooth-skinned, gilled larvae to vibrant orange terrestrial efts, and ultimately into aquatic adults, with select populations retaining their gills or opting to stay as efts forever.
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9. The Newt Love Brigade

When love is in the air, nothing can stop a determined newt from getting to their beloved, not even a nightmarish path of asphalt doom: The Chileno Valley Newt Brigade, a group of steadfast volunteers, spend their winter nights in Petaluma, California, escorting newts across a perilous road to reach their breeding grounds and avoid a Romeo and Juliet-esque tragedy.
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