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Discover the Unbelievable: 13 Fun and Fascinating Facts About Sage You Need to Know!

illustration of sage
Dive into the captivating world of sage as we unravel its delightful secrets and intriguing tales – one fun fact at a time!

1. Sage: The Culinary Superhero

The power of sage goes beyond giving your grandma's stuffing that extra kick: this mighty green herb is not just a dancer in the culinary waltz but also boasts an array of health benefits. Leaping from protecting your pearly whites and easing hormonal hot flashes to lowering its feathery sword against cholesterol and blood sugar foes, sage pirouettes further into fostering brainy brilliance and even combating medieval cancer dragons. Be it fresh, dried, or cosplaying as tea and extract supplements, sage is always ready to add a little zing to your life and well-being.
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2. Ancient Sage Wisdom for Health

Well, sage ain't just for stuffin' turkeys and warding off evil spirits: This ancient herb has been hailed for its healing properties since the days of Egyptian pharaohs and Greek philosophers. Going by the scientific name Salvia officinalis, sage is a member of the Lamiaceae family, which boasts over 500 species, and is primarily found in Mediterranean countries. Though it's still known for spicing up your Thanksgiving dinner, historically, sage was more of a miracle worker, offering relief for stomach troubles, coughs, hoarseness, and menstrual pain.
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3. Calming Sage Tea Bliss

Step aside, sleepytime teas and coffee mocktails: sage tea is here to lull you into sweet serenity without leaving you buzzing like a caffeinated bumblebee. Sage tea is a natural, caffeine-free drink that not only provides relaxation and calmness but can be enjoyed hot or iced any time of the day. Just whip up your own batch with fresh sage leaves and a few basic ingredients, and you'll be sipping your way to tranquility in no time.
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4. To Sage or Not to Sage?

As Shakespeare might have said, "To sage, or not to sage, that is the culinary question" when it comes to jazzing up your dinner, oh wise and mighty herb: In truth, sage holds numerous talents such as being transformed into sage honey, joining forces with ice cubicles, or getting pickled with vinegar, all the while playing an essential role in team Deutschland's pork sausages and the great United Kingdom's sage Derby cheese. But beware, sire - sage can go from being a hero to a villain in a blink of an eye by causing uterine contractions for those expecting little bundles of joy.
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Sage: The Roman Flavor Protector

5. Sage: The Roman Flavor Protector

Before Siri and Alexa told us what to do, sage was doling out advice and saving lives like an ancient, herbaceous superhero: This versatile herb has been used for centuries to combat various ailments such as depression, fever, and mouth and throat infections, as well as snake and insect bites—hence its Latin name salvare, meaning "to be saved." In addition to its medicinal prowess, sage also dominated Roman culinary scenes, seasoning dishes such as the fabulous saltimbocca and lending its herbaceous charm to the renowned Venetian liver and onions. Today, you can still find sage gallantly defending the tantalizing flavors of Italian cuisine in poultry and legume-centered dishes.
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6. Sage vs. Medieval Plague

Before doctors and fancy antibacterial soaps swooped in to steal all the glory, sage played the role of a medieval superhero – swooshing its antimicrobial cape and warding off the bad guys of the bacterial underworld: Back in the time of the plague outbreak in Marseille, sage was an essential ingredient in the recipe for Four Thieves Vinegar. This heroic mixture, containing lavender, distilled vinegar, cloves, and sometimes other accompaniments like garlic or wormwood, was believed to protect people from contracting the deadly disease.
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7. Snails' Worst Nightmare: Mint & Sage

Snail mail has its time and place, but when it comes to your garden, you'll want to send those slimy gastropods packing posthaste: Mint and sage provide a delightful organic security system, as their potent aromas deter snails and slugs, leaving your plants' personal space gloriously un-nibbled! Additionally, you can always "go postal" on pests by installing barriers like copper mesh or sandpaper – truly, a snail's worst nightmare.
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8. Chicken Preservation Wizardry

Feeling peckish for some chicken trivia? Here's a sage piece of advice: Don't underestimate the power of this mighty herb! No, it's not just for seasoning your dinner: Sage is full of bioactive compounds that have antioxidant and antibacterial properties, which prolong the storage stability of vacuum-packed low-pressure mechanically separated chicken meat at -18°C. Water and ethanol extracts, as well as essential oil, can slow down fat oxidation and restrict bacterial growth, making sage a potential meat-preserver extraordinaire.
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9. Magical Health Potion Ingredient

Hold onto your herbs, wizard chefs: Sage is here to cast its spell on the health potion industry! This magical plant might be a secret ingredient to treating heavyweights like depression, dementia, obesity, diabetes, lupus, heart disease, and cancer, what with its antioxidant-rich rosmarinic and carnosic acids. Alakazam!
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Boozy Sage Liqueur Magic

10. Boozy Sage Liqueur Magic

If you've been "sage-ing" for a comeback in the liquor world, we have a plantastic elixir for you: Sage liqueur by Art in the Age is a delightful concoction featuring not just sage, but also rosemary, thyme, lavender, dandelion, and more botanicals to create a scrumptiously aromatic spirit that pairs brilliantly with sweet St. Germain, lemon juice, and soda water for a thirst-quenching cocktail.
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11. Sage: Your Spiritual Dumbledore

Sage advice from a burning bush: while it won't get you into any Bible stories, burning sage can purify the air, dispel bad vibes, and even help you channel your inner Dumbledore. In a nutshell: not only does this fragrant magician's wand Latin-named "salvia" mean "heal," but it also enhances spiritual awareness and wisdom, granting a touch of clarity when you summon the flames during meditation or simply seek a weekly mood boost.
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12. Fueling Hummingbird Sugar Addiction

In a shocking display of botanical nepotism, sage has been secretly fueling the sugar addiction of hummingbirds everywhere, offering them their favorite salvia fix straight from their flashy red flowers: As it turns out, hummingbirds are drawn to the abundant nectar of Salvia Sage flowers, particularly the vibrant red variety, despite being anosmic, which means they don't possess a sense of smell, but are rather captivated by the vivid hues. With over 700 Salvia Sage species to choose from, designing an irresistible hummingbird hot spot is just too darn easy!
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13. Skincare Sorcerer: Sage Extract

Move over, skincare sorcerers – sage is the magical multitasker here to save your skin, scalp, and smelly bits: Sage extract is a skincare champion with antimicrobial, soothing, and antioxidant properties, saving your face and body from irritation and free radicals, balancing your scalp, controlling sebum secretion, and waving its wizardly wand in deodorants as a fragrant antibacterial presence.
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