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Discover the World of Succulents: Top 15 Fun and Fascinating Facts You Never Knew!

illustration of succulents
Dive into the fascinating world of succulents as we unearth a treasure trove of quirky tidbits and delightful trivia that will surely leave you rooting for more.

1. Skyscraper Succulent

Tired of your aloe plant being a couch potato? Get ready for the Fan Aloe, the reigning champion of succulent skyscrapers: Aloe Plicatilis, also known as Fan Aloe, can stretch its green legs up to a staggering 15 feet tall, making it an irresistible collectible for those craving some vertical flair in their plant collection.
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2. Saguaro's Slow Bloom

Let's face it, the saguaro cactus is the late bloomer of the plant world, taking adulting to new extremes: It doesn't start producing flowers until it hits 35 years old, but, once it does, those blooms pop up everywhere, from the tip-top to the sides, on this giant plant that can stretch over 50 feet tall, weigh more than 6 tons, and live for up to 175 years!
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3. Dr. Succulent, the Healer

Move over, Dr. Houseplant, there's a new healer in town: succulents have been grappling with ailments ranging from skin irritants to stomach upsets since time immemorial. This wondrously-waterlogged flora has lent its green thumb to humanity's herbal apothecary, with aloe vera leading the charge in skincare and well-being: far from parched, their chubby leaves are a treasure trove of therapeutic compounds that soothe our ills and keep us hydrated in more ways than one.
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4. Houdini Plants

Succulents: the leaf-less wonders, the Houdinis of the plant world, and the staycationers who forgot to book a trip to MoistureVille! These spiky survivalists have ditched their leaves, invested in fancy spines, and morphed their stems into smarty-pants photosynthesizers: These clever adaptations allow cacti to flourish, kicking up their heels in the world's most arid environments, while maintaining fabulously low water bills!
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Aliens Love Lithops

5. Aliens Love Lithops

If aliens needed the perfect houseplant for their arid Martian surroundings, they'd look no further than the green-pepper-pushing Lithops: This desert-dwelling, 50-year-living plant stores gallons of water in its leaves and only blooms when the sun shines brightest, making it the leafy embodiment of resilience wrapped in chunky, pebble-like cuteness.
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6. CAM-ouflaged Plants

Feeling CAM-ouflaged in the desert might not work for most plants, but succulents sure know how to conserve their H2O resources in style: They’ve evolved a specialized photosynthesis called Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM), letting them store CO2 as organic acids at night and using it for daytime photosynthesis, while keeping their stomata closed during hot, arid days to minimize water loss. Talk about daytime saving!
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7. Camels of the Plant World

Succulents: the camels of the plant world, storing water like a seasoned survivalist for life's driest moments! Seriously though: these hardy plants have leaves that store water for long periods, enabling them to thrive in arid environments where other plants can't.
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8. 100-Year-Old Sass

Age is just a number, even for prickly plants with a splash of sass: Saguaro cacti of the Sonoran desert, among other succulent species, have been known to enjoy their sunbaths for over a 100 years, brightening their environs with unyielding spirit and peculiar charm.
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9. Bunny Ear Hitchhikers

Whoever said "don't wear your emotions on your sleeve" clearly never met the Bunny Ear cactus: this peculiar succulent, Opuntia microdasys, thrives on having fuzzy white or brown spots on its pad-like stems that easily hitchhike onto objects and people that come into contact with it, offering them a new world of conversation topics!
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Sunbathing Succulents

10. Sunbathing Succulents

Who knew succulents were also sunbathing enthusiasts in disguise, looking to get their tan on? Here's the lowdown: A wee bit of sunlight stress can actually deepen their color or even change it entirely, but make sure to slowly up their sun exposure, as too much at once could result in a nasty sunburn and permanent leaf damage – nobody wants a crispy plant!
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11. Succulent Pups

What does a succulent plant have in common with a Pomeranian puppy, you ask? Why, it's their ability to pop out the cutest little "pups" you've ever seen: Echeveria plants have a special knack for producing offsets, or "pups," which can be separated from the mother plant and rooted to create new independent plants, allowing these delightful succulents to adapt to new environments and spread their joy further.
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12. Wizardly Plant Secrets

Living descendants of Dr. Seuss's Whoville trees or home to tiny wizards casting spells of survival, succulents possess some peculiar secrets up their leafy sleeves: These hardy plants boast special adaptations like waxy leaves, deep roots, and a knack for unique photosynthesis, empowering them to thrive in arid, unforgiving landscapes.
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13. Pot-ticularly Parched

Feeling pot-ticularly parched? Don't worry, your succulent friends have your back: their thick leaves and stems let them hoard water, lasting up to six months without a sip – but remember, size matters! Smaller pots equal thirstier plants, while their thin-leaved counterparts might demand water breaks more frequently.
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14. Blue, Not Sad, Succulents

Feeling a little blue is not just for sad humans, much like your teenage years when an angsty hair dye phase made you feel edgy and unique: Succulent plants, such as Crassulas and Aloes, are known to switch up their colors when stressed out due to factors like watering, sunlight, and temperature, completely embracing their inner chameleons and fabulous self-expression!
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Cacti vs Succulent Squad

15. Cacti vs Succulent Squad

A game of "Cacti, succulent, or... cactulent?" might leave you a bit prickly, but don't let that deter you: While all cacti are succulents, not all succulents are cacti. The succulent squad includes a variety of water-storing plants with differing features, so knowing your spikey cactus-shaped children from their smooth-leaved cousins is key to keeping each happy and hydrated.
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