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Discover Vanuatu: Top 8 Fun Facts You Never Knew About This Island Paradise

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Get ready to dive into the colorful, vibrant, and fascinating world of Vanuatu with these intriguing fun facts that will surely pique your curiosity!

1. Land Diving Daredevils

Looking for a heart-stopping "Peak" experience? How about launching yourself headfirst from a 100-foot wooden tower with vines tied to your ankles while dressed in native attire? Believe it or not, you'll be practicing an ancient Vanuatuan tradition: On Pentecost Island, young men perform the land diving ceremony as a rite of passage and to ensure a bountiful yam harvest, reaching speeds of up to 45 mph and relying solely on the elasticity of the vines to avoid injury. This daredevil act is viewed as a blessing to the soil and remains cherished by the indigenous people to this day.
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2. Kava-flavored Wonderland

You know you're in Vanuatu when your kava options are more diverse than your local ice cream parlor: As the proud cultivator of over 100 different varieties, Vanuatu boasts the world's most extensive range of kava cultivars. But beware, this traditional Pacific Islander beverage made from the kava plant's roots can have you feeling groovy while hiding some sneaky side effects!
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3. World's Only Underwater Post Office

Who needs snail mail when you can have fish mail? Next time you're in Vanuatu, channel your inner mermaid and add a new twist to drowning in paperwork: Vanuatu is home to the world's only underwater post office, established in 2003 on Hideaway Island, where visitors can send their regards through waterproof postcards in this most peculiar aquatic service.
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4. Bismarck Archipelago's Next Top Model

Picture a bunch of Melanesians arriving on the shores of Vanuatu, à la Bismarck Archipelago's Next Top Model, each trying to outshine their competitors from 3,000 years ago: Here's the twist – science reveals that modern ni-Vanuatu are genetically closer to these sassy Bismarck Archipelago Melanesians than to the OG Lapita settlers! How's that for a reality show plot twist?
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Indiana Jones Meets Batman: Millennium Cave Tour

5. Indiana Jones Meets Batman: Millennium Cave Tour

If Indiana Jones and Batman had a baby, their family vacation would be this: Vanuatu's Millennium Cave tour takes adventurers through a daring hike, thrilling canyoning, and a pitch-black cave teeming with rushing water and fluttering bats, all guided by knowledgeable and supportive locals ensuring a safe and unforgettable journey into the island's wild side.
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6. Unique Plant Hide and Seek

In a twisted game of "Where's Waldo?" played only by Mother Nature, some intriguingly unique plants are hiding exclusively in the lush landscapes of Vanuatu: Meet the elusive climbing fern (Lygodium vanuatense), the vertically challenged dwarf coconut (Cocos nucifera var. Vanuatuensis), and the Vanuatu kwila tree (Intsia bijuga var. Vanuatensis), all of which can be found nowhere else on this planet and are jealously safeguarded by the local government.
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7. Walking on the Edge: Mt. Yasur's Crater Rim

If a regular hike doesn't quite erupt your excitement, look no further than Vanuatu's own Mt. Yasur: a dream destination for all adrenaline junkies where you can find yourself walking on the edge, quite literally, on the crater rim of a volcanic hotspot. This explosive locale comes with its own quirky postal service; the one-of-a-kind Volcano Post allows you to send out 'singed' postcards, because nothing says adventure like mail from the mouth of a mighty volcano! However, before you lava-leap into this steamy escapade, know that it's still safer to be guided by a professional, as this geological wonder has a flair for unpredictability and lacks safety rails or barriers—a true walk on the wild side.
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8. Sunken 5-star Hotel: SS President Coolidge Dive

Ever wondered what it would be like to dive into a sunken 5-star hotel with a built-in armory? Welcome to the SS President Coolidge: a luxury liner turned World War II troop carrier, submerged off Espiritu Santo island in Vanuatu. At 654 feet/199 meters long, this popular diving spot lets you explore guns, cannons, Jeeps, helmets, trucks, and personal supplies, with at least 10-15 dives needed to see everything. It's an underwater treat for divers and snorkelers, especially during low tide. So grab your goggles and get ready to dive into history!
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