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Discover Papua New Guinea: 9 Fascinating Fun Facts You Can't Miss!

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Prepare to embark on a thrilling journey of discovery as we unveil some of the most fascinating and mind-boggling fun facts about the colorful and mysterious land of Papua New Guinea!

1. Linguistic Salad Bowl

In Papua New Guinea, language barriers take on a whole new meaning: this linguistic salad bowl is home to more than 840 indigenous living languages, with 124 considered endangered and 40 at risk of going the way of the dodo. Blame it on geographic isolation and the fierce preservation of tribal identity — in this country, vocab variety is more than just the spice of life!
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2. Rave Party of Languages

When it comes to talking in tongues, Papua New Guinea doesn't just "speak softly and carry a big stick" – it's more like a linguistic rave party with a United Nations guest list: With over 800 languages spoken within its borders, this country holds the title for most linguistically diverse nation in the world.
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3. Mudmen's Rockin' Facials

In a place where getting your face messy is taken to the next level, the Asaro Mudmen prefer a facial that rocks - literally: These Papua New Guinea residents create masks from pebbles and heated waterfall water instead of slathering their faces in Asaro River mud, which they believed to be poisonous, resulting in masks with unique designs like long or short ears, horns, and sideways mouths, with the current elaborate form possibly influenced by tour operators, writers, and government administrators.
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4. Huli Wigmen's Hair-raising Trend

Move over, Rapunzel – there's a new hair trend in town, and it's taken hairstyling to new heights with a tribal twist: The Huli Wigmen of Papua New Guinea grow their own hair for up to three years while attending a bachelor school, before having it cut, woven and adorned with feathers and ocher by a wigmaster to create traditional Huli wigs, which symbolize strength and resilience in their culture.
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Pigs & Pearls: The Moka Gift Show

5. Pigs & Pearls: The Moka Gift Show

Pigs and pearls, step right up to Papua New Guinea's intriguing game show of social climbing and strategic gifting: In this unique cultural phenomenon known as the Moka gift exchange system, locals gain social status and political influence by giving away pigs and precious pearl shells, often presenting impressive offerings to potential enemies to establish debt relationships and widen their web of exchange partners.
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6. Soccer Fever Via German Lutherans

Who needs Ronaldo or Messi when you've got German Lutherans on your side? Well, the people of Papua New Guinea certainly don't! These mission-impossible missionaries kicked off some serious soccer fever back in the day: In 1884, German Lutheran missionaries not only brought the word but also the beautiful game to the Morobe Province. The first ever competition played was in Wau and Bulolo's goldfields, adding a golden sheen to the nation's soccer legacy. Since then, they've had their own home-bred talent like David Mead, who played 14 times for the national team and became a sensation in the National Rugby League.
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7. Birds of Paradise's Coachella

For a head-turning, jaw-dropping, and plumage-fluttering Bird of Paradise party, there's only one destination on every feathered diva's vacation itinerary: Papua New Guinea is their Coachella for beaks and tail feathers! : The country hosts an astounding 38 out of 43 known species of Birds of Paradise, including the Raggiana bird of paradise with its maroon-brown ensemble and fabulous flank plumes – a symbol so synonymous with the nation that it features on their flag and is also the nickname for the national rugby team.
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8. The Tiniest Parrot Show

If the Incredible Shrinking Man had a pet parrot, it would definitely be one of these bad boys: Papua New Guinea is home to the world's smallest parrot, the buff-faced pygmy parrot, standing at a minuscule 3.4 inches tall and weighing in at a feather-light 0.41 ounces.
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9. Superhero Flag Fusion

In a flag-tastic twist worthy of a superhero's cape, Papua New Guinea's national banner magnificently fuses its ancestral empire and a fabulous feathery friend: a black and crimson design inspired by the German Empire's flag sparks nostalgia for the colonial era, while a golden bird-of-paradise and the Southern Cross constellation pay tribute to the nation's diverse wildlife and its astronomical address. Bonus fact: Susan Karike, just 15 years old, claimed victory in the nationwide flag-designing contest!
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