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Discover the Divine: Top 12 Fascinating and Fun Facts About St. Teresa of Avila

illustration of st-teresa-of-avila
Dive into the fascinating world of St. Teresa of Avila, as we unveil unique and delightful tidbits about this remarkable mystic and trailblazer!

1. Martha Stewart of Monastic World

Lo and behold! The Martha Stewart of the monastic world: St. Teresa of Avila was not only the popular spiritual influencer of her time, but she also dished out divine stitches in embroidery and kept her sanctuaries spick and span, earning the admiration of even the most discerning holy housekeepers.
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2. St. Teresa's Levitation

Taking "on cloud nine" to a whole new level, St. Teresa of Avila didn't just feel closer to God in prayer - she literally floated her way into His presence: During her profound spiritual experiences, she levitated in front of witnesses, a phenomenon commonly attributed to divine intervention. She discussed these uplifting events in her autobiography, but requested discretion from those who saw her gravity-defying moments.
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3. Saintly Sense of Humor

Hold your chuckles, because it's about to get saintly hilarious: St. Teresa of Avila was known for spicing up religious chats with her scintillating wit, tickling the funny bones of many with her beloved sense of humor, which effortlessly permeated her writings and teachings.
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4. Original Spiritual Influencer

Holy guacamole, what a mystical gal! St. Teresa of Avila, the original spiritual influencer way before Instagram made it a thing, traded in her noble Spanish upbringing for a chance at divine connection: She was born in 1515 and went on to author extraordinary works like "The Interior Castle" and "The Way of Perfection," all while rocking her Carmelite habit and forging a BFF status with fellow mystic St. John of the Cross. Patron Saint of spiritual seekers on a mission, St. Teresa hit 'publish' on her final story in 1582 and received her holy verification (canonization) in 1622.
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Shakespeare of Christian Mysticism

5. Shakespeare of Christian Mysticism

Talk about divine inspiration: St. Teresa of Avila was basically the Shakespeare of Christian mystical literature, penning holy chart-toppers like "El Libro de la Vida" (The Autobiography of a Saint) and the mystical guidebooks "Camino de Perfección" (Path to Perfection) and "Las Moradas, o el Castillo Interior" (The Way to God's Bachelor Pad)! Seriously though: St. Teresa authored some of the most influential works in the Christian mystical tradition, and her exceptional writings continue to inspire and educate spiritual seekers to this day.
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6. Divine Tinder Match

Talk about a burning love: St. Teresa of Avila's heavenly Tinder match was an angel that pierced her heart with a flaming lance, inspiring the famous artwork "Ecstasy of St. Teresa" and showcasing her mystical experiences as visions and raptures.
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7. Nun of the Living Dead

Boo! Got your humility right here: St. Teresa of Avila, the original "nun" of the living dead, would playfully warn her sisters that she'd haunt them for eternity if they forgot their humble ways. But fear not, for her humor served as an ingenious method to make her spiritual teachings more tangible and enjoyable for her followers.
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8. Demonic Drama Slayer

Tackling demonic drama one monastery at a time: St. Teresa of Avila founded numerous monastic communities and authored deeply influential writings in the face of rejection and insistence that her mystical experiences were the stuff of dark forces, all while shining her holy light on the virtues of love, humility, and spiritual independence.
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9. Mystic Autobiography Expert

Feeling like your autobiography could use a little mystique? Saint Teresa of Avila has got you covered: This 16th-century mystic wrote about her otherworldly encounters with divine beings, and her writings – including an autobiography, foundation history, and teachings on prayer – have enthralled the Church and readers for centuries.
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St. Joseph's Wingwoman

10. St. Joseph's Wingwoman

Did you know St. Joseph is "wingman of the miracles", giving St. Teresa a lift straight to health? That's right: St. Teresa of Avila had such a strong devotion to St. Joseph that after he answered her prayers for healing, she became his biggest advocate, even contributing to the widespread devotion to St. Joseph throughout the entire Catholic Church.
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11. Cheeky Spiritual Leader

Her divine holiness had a cheeky LOL-ness: St. Teresa of Avila, a renowned spiritual leader, was also known to pepper her writings with ironic humor and wit! The serious reveal: Despite facing persecutions and challenging the patriarchal norms of the Catholic Church, her joyfulness gave her the strength to establish seventeen convents in Spain and become a cherished reformer within her faith.
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12. Angel-Pierced Heart

Well, if you think a visit from cupid sounds intense, wait till you hear about St. Teresa's heavenly encounter: During her famous mystical experience, the Ecstasy, St. Teresa of Avila witnessed an angel – short yet breathtakingly beautiful with a face resembling a lit match – who pierced her heart multiple times with a golden spear tipped with fiery iron, ultimately inducing a divine cocktail of spiritual pain and intense love for God. Take that, cupid!
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