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Discover the Unexpected: Top 5 Fun and Fascinating Facts About Napoleon Bonaparte!

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Dive into the fascinating world of the famed French emperor with these quirky and captivating fun facts about Napoleon Bonaparte – vive le trivia!

1. Scentsational Love Request

Talk about a scentsational love story: Napoleon Bonaparte once requested his wife, Joséphine, not to change her clothes for a few days while he was away campaigning, as he wanted to savor the sweet whiff of her perfume upon his return.
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2. Not-So-Little Corporal

You know how people often say, "good things come in small packages"? Well, turns out that Napoleon Bonaparte was actually not as small a package as people think: In reality, he was not significantly shorter than his soldiers, standing at about 5'7", which was an above-average height for that time, and his nickname "The Little Corporal" was a term of endearment from his troops, not a commentary on his stature.
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3. Speedy Culinary Conqueror

In a world where foodies thrive and glorify hours-long dining escapades, Napoleon Bonaparte scoffed (literally!), leaving Gordon Ramsay cringing and Julia Child clutching her pearls: The consummate workaholic, Napoleon gulped down meals in a speedy 10 to 15 minutes, even amping up to a wild 20-minute feast during his second wedding, enticed by the likes of simple eggs, potatoes, and pasta wonderfully paired with Chambertin, watered-down of course, to avoid muddling his strategic mind.
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4. Napoleon's Self-Made Holiday

Get ready for a Saint of a twist: Napoleon Bonaparte created his own holiday, Saint Napoleon's Day, on August 15th to celebrate his birthday - using an invented martyr and borrowing significance from the Ascension of the Virgin Mary and his Italian ties.
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Mummified Emperor Mystery

5. Mummified Emperor Mystery

You could say that Napoleon was the OG mummy: with a burial fit for a Pharaoh, his body was encased in a tomb on Saint Helena, featuring three coffins, and a hefty stone slab sealed by cement. The serious reveal: when the tomb was opened 19 years later, witnesses found the Emperor's body in a remarkably well-preserved state, squashing rumors of any sneaky body swaps.
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