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Discover the Unexpected: Top 8 Fun Facts About Sitting Bull You Never Knew!

illustration of sitting-bull
Dive into the captivating world of Sitting Bull, as we unravel intriguing tidbits and lesser-known anecdotes about this legendary Native American leader.

1. Buffalo Bill's Failed Rescue

Buffalo Bill Cody was all set to ride to the rescue, as if he were a character in one of his own Wild West shows: Unfortunately, Cody couldn't reach Sitting Bull in time to prevent his death at the hands of Indian police, despite receiving a telegram from General Miles to secure him.
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2. Sitting Bull's Drive-By Shenanigans

You know how legendary cowboys like to make an entrance in the movies? Well, Sitting Bull had his own unique drive-by shenanigans up his sleeve: During a battle, he showcased exceptional horsemanship by riding so close to enemy lines that he managed to touch a soldier with his riding stick, before swiftly high-tailing it back to safety.
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3. The Visionary Leader at Little Bighorn

Talk about a boss battle: Sitting Bull didn't even lift a finger during the epic Battle of Little Bighorn. Instead, he let his premonitions lead the Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapahoes to victory over General Custer's army, proving that he was certainly no "sitting duck" when it came to leadership and inspiration.
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4. DJ Sitting Bull's Spiritual Raves

If Sitting Bull were alive today, he'd be DJ-ing vision quests at spiritual raves: As a renowned spiritual leader among the Lakota people, Sitting Bull was a core member of the Midnight Strong Heart Society and frequently tapped into the existential wisdom of the Everywhere Spirit through Vision-Quests, gifting him a reputation for prophetic visions among the non-treaty Indians.
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The Great Grave Chase

5. The Great Grave Chase

In a true game of "Hide and Sikh Bones," Sitting Bull's remains gave everyone the runaround: Originally buried in Fort Yates, North Dakota, they were later moved due to concerns about the gravesite's condition and potential submersion, sparking controversy and legal battles, with the reinterred bones only recently being confirmed as his through DNA analysis of a living great-grandson.
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6. Psychic Hotline: Sitting Bull Edition

Before he was a fortune teller at your local fair, Sitting Bull was perfecting his psychic hotline game on the battlefield: He astoundingly foresaw soldiers falling into his camp in an upside-down fashion, which accurately predicted his tribe's iconic victory in the Battle of the Little Bighorn.
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7. Bovine Name, Sioux Legend

Don't be bamboozled by the bovine moniker: Sitting Bull was actually a Sioux leader who earned the name Tatanka Yotanka, meaning "Sitting Bull," through his legendary bravery in battle. By age 14, he was raiding rival tribes alongside his family, and by 1869, he became the supreme leader of not only the Lakota Sioux but also the Arapaho and Cheyenne tribes.
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8. The Original Horse Whisperer

Move over, Horse Whisperer: Sitting Bull was the original equine enthusiast! This renowned leader and warrior of the Lakota Sioux Tribe was a master in the saddle, known for his ability to mount and ride horses while lying down: His impressive horsemanship was showcased at ceremonial events and gatherings, solidifying his status as a revered figure among his people.
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