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Discover the Secrets: Top 10 Fun Facts About Sargon the Great You Never Knew!

illustration of sargon
Dive into the fascinating world of Sargon, an ancient ruler with enough intriguing tales to make history buffs swoon and trivia enthusiasts giddy with delight!

1. Game of Akkad: Sargon's Empire

Move over, Game of Thrones: Sargon the Conqueror was making empires trendy way before it was cool! Known for his insatiable appetite for conquering Sumerian city-states in the 24th to 23rd centuries BC, Sargon of Akkad was the first ruler of the Akkadian Empire and potentially the first person in recorded history to rule over an empire. His reign didn't usher in a multiethnic, centralized empire, but his dynasty, the "Sargonic" or "Old Akkadian" dynasty, persisted for about a century after his death until the Gutian conquest of Sumer.
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2. Trendsetter Conqueror: Sargon's Reign

Before hashtags and empires were a thing, Sargon of Akkad was out there bringing worlds together like... well, Sargon of Akkad: This ancient trendsetter had a knack for conquering Sumerian cities in the 24th to 23rd centuries BC, creating the first ever empire, which sprawled across most of Mesopotamia, parts of the Levant, and even made some dramatic guest appearances in Hurrian and Elamite territories, all from his mysterious and still undiscovered crib called Akkad.
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3. OG Baby-in-a-Basket: Sargon's Origin

Move over, Moses: Sargon of Akkad had the OG baby-in-a-basket origin story! Hailing from Mesopotamia as the illegitimate son of a temple priestess, Sargon floated down the Euphrates River in a woven basket until he was found by Akki, a royal gardener who raised him as his own.
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4. Rags-to-Empire: Sargon's Rise

Sargon of Akkad: the original Rags-to-Empire story – though not your typical startup scene! Legend has it he traded his orphan-wear for a mighty scepter and became king of the first multinational empire: truly, an ancient game changer.
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Basketful of Destiny: Sargon as a Baby

5. Basketful of Destiny: Sargon as a Baby

Before making it big, Sargon had a humble Moses-like audition: Born to an unknown dad and a temple priestess, his baby self floated down the Euphrates in a basket, until found and raised by a gardener named Akki.
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6. Gardener Cupbearer Emperor: Sargon's Jobs

Who knew a green thumb and a steady hand for pouring drinks could lead to ruling an empire? That's right, Sargon was part gardener, part cupbearer, and full-time conqueror: Having previously worked as both a gardener and a cupbearer, Sargon utilized his unique skill set to consolidate power in the Akkadian Empire, expanding his rule as far as the Mediterranean and Cyprus. However, his reign eventually fell to the invasion of the Gutians, leaving the region in disarray until the Third Dynasty of Ur emerged over a century later.
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7. Sargon's Unexplored IG Fame

If Sargon of Akkad had an Instagram account back in the day, he might have captioned his conquests, "#JustConqueringThings, #NoAdmirers, #KingLife" ✌️📸 : While Sargon may have been a force to be reckoned with in the 24th to 23rd centuries BC, there isn't any evidence highlighting widespread admiration or praise for his rule, with most information about him coming from inscriptions and tablet fragments.
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8. Ancient Postal Pioneer: Sargon's System

Before the days of Hogwarts' owl post, stamp-licking, and forever-stamps, there was a man with an idea for keeping secrets sealed tight: Sargon, the ancient founder of the Akkadian Empire, invented the world's first postal system, sending mail via clay tablets coated in a fresh layer of clay, which bore the names of the sender and recipient, ensuring the privacy of messages like an ancient telegram.
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9. Kanye of Mesopotamia: Sargon's Dynasty

Before he was the Kanye West of Mesopotamia, dropping hits like "Conquest of Sumer" and "Empire Expansion": Sargon of Akkad founded the Sargonic dynasty, which stretched across Mesopotamia and the Levant, ruling for a century after his legendary earthly gig.
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Pre-Thanos Empire Builder: Sargon's Legacy

10. Pre-Thanos Empire Builder: Sargon's Legacy

Before Thanos and his Infinity Gauntlet, there was the OG empire-builder rockin' a tablet and stylus: Sargon of Akkad, also known as Sargon the Great, founded the first-ever empire in the world, the Akkadian Empire. His realm spanned from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea, proving that conquering land was more than just a hobby - it was an innovative way to expand a civilization.
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