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Discover the Top 14 Fun Facts About Mansa Musa: The Richest Man in History!

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Dive into the dazzling world of Mansa Musa, the legendary African king so wealthy he made gold seem ordinary, and explore an abundance of fascinating facts about this opulent emperor.

1. King-sized Shopping Spree

Here's a tale that's worth its weight in gold, quite literally: Mansa Musa, the extravagant emperor, took retail therapy to a whole new level during his legendary pilgrimage to Mecca, single-handedly causing a golden market crash! No kidding: His massive spending spree was so ostentatious that it actually led to a 12-year decline in the value of gold across various regions in the world. Talk about a king-sized shopping spree!
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2. Gold-giving Currency Crisis

Move over, Oprah, there's a new philanthropist in town: Mansa Musa, the ancient ruler of Mali, was so generous during his pilgrimage to Mecca that his lavish gold-giving actually caused a currency crisis, devaluing gold prices and making food and goods in Cairo more expensive for a whopping ten years!
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3. Money-triggered Medieval Inflation

They say money can't buy happiness, but it sure can cause inflation in medieval times: Mansa Musa, the 14th century ruler of the Mali Empire, was so incredibly wealthy that during his pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324, he gave away so much gold it devalued the precious metal and triggered an economic crisis in the regions he visited, firmly placing him in the list of history's richest individuals.
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4. Scrooge McDuck's Gold Pool Rival

Move over, Scrooge McDuck: Mansa Musa's swimming pool of gold was even bigger! This 14th-century Malian emperor didn't just hoard his riches – he brought a lavish touch of Midas to everyone he met on his pilgrimage to Mecca: In 1324, Mansa Musa embarked on a hajj with a colossal caravan and copious amounts of gold, spending and gifting with such gusto that he inadvertently caused inflation in Egypt. However, ever the conscientious king, he later bought back gold at a higher interest rate to soothe the economic upheaval, showing that you can have your gold and spend it too.
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The $400 Billion Throne

5. The $400 Billion Throne

If mansions could talk, Mansa Musa's would say, "Watch the throne, Bill Gates!": Known as history's wealthiest human, Mansa Musa, ruler of the Mali Empire, had a net worth of approximately $400 billion, controlled an empire rich in gold and salt mines, and extravagantly trekked to Mecca in 1324 with 8,000 pounds of gold in tow, only to accidentally cause inflation by generously gifting it to the poor on his journey.
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6. Globalization Architect

Try your hand at this building challenge: Build a university with materials from Africa, designs from the Middle East, and flair from Hollywood. Too difficult? Mansa Musa did something similar back in the 14th century: Under his rule, Timbuktu was transformed into a thriving Islamic university center, featuring architectural marvels designed by artisans from the Middle East and throughout Africa. Now that's what we call 'globalization'!
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7. 25% Gold Value Plunge

Was Mansa Musa an ancient gold digger with a Midas touch or just Oprah's distant cousin? Buckle up for this rags-to-riches tale: During his pilgrimage to Mecca, Mansa Musa gave away so much gold in Cairo that the value of the precious metal plummeted by 25%!
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8. One-man Economic Stimulus Package

Mansa Musa, the golden boy of Africa, took the phrase "Go big or go home" to heart when it came to his 14th-century pilgrimage: The king of Mali splurged so much on his trip to Mecca that he was essentially the medieval equivalent of an economic stimulus package all on his own. Distributing gold to the poor and funding constructions like his own architectural Oprah, Mansa Musa spent an amount dwarfing the Egyptian economy at the time, turning West Africa into the hotspot of the Islamic world.
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9. Mansa Musa's Golden River

They say money doesn't grow on trees, but for Mansa Musa, it flowed like rivers of gold from his camels' backs: During his legendary 1324 pilgrimage to Mecca, Musa spent and gifted so much gold that he single-handedly caused the metal's value in Egypt to plummet for the next 12 years, earning himself the reputation as history's richest man, with his trusty entourage of tens of thousands and camels each hauling 136 kilograms (300 pounds) of shimmering, jingly fortune.
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Bling Map Legend

10. Bling Map Legend

If Midas and Scrooge McDuck hit the jackpot while playing "Who Wants to be a Gazillionaire," they'd still fall short of their medieval counterpart: Mansa Musa, the 14th-century Mali emperor, held more gold than Captain Jack Sparrow could dream of, making him one of the wealthiest individuals in history. The Mali Empire's grip on the trans-Saharan gold trade put him on the bling map, and his legendary pilgrimage to Mecca left a trail of gold-induced inflation that made the Cairo market go "Eureka!" in reverse.
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11. CamelTrain Music Video

If Mansa Musa's entourage were to cruise down the street today, onlookers might wonder if they've stumbled upon the filming of a new "CamelTrain" music video: Mansa Musa's hajj to Mecca in 1324 featured a whopping sixty thousand people, twelve thousand enslaved folks, and, of course, eighty gold-dust-laden camels, tipping the scales between 23 and 136kg of the blingy powder each. The real kicker is that he didn't just flaunt his wealth, but generously dished out gold throughout his journey, inadvertently juggling the gold market in Egypt and beyond.
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12. Cairo's Kardashian-level Spree

Move over, Kardashians – Mansa Musa's 1324 shopping spree had Cairo drowning in gold! As the Sultan blew through town in a glimmer of generosity and bling, he left an economic trail TV reality shows could only dream of: Musa's pilgrimage to Mecca resulted in such a glut of gold in Egypt that its value plummeted, with his gifts to the poor and merchants affecting a wide array of people and leaving a lasting impact on Cairo's economy and his reputation in the Muslim world.
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13. Sultan Midas' Lost Cousin

If Midas had a long-lost cousin with an insatiable appetite for gold, Mansa Musa might just have been him: During his legendary pilgrimage to Mecca, he splurged so much gold and borrowed copious amounts upon his return, that he tanked the value of the precious metal in Cairo for a quite a few years.
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14. Accidental Egyptian Gold Rush

When Mansa Musa went to Mecca, he minted a gold rush on some serious level: His lavish gifts of gold to the Sultan of Egypt during the pilgrimage were so copious that he inadvertently tanked the Egyptian economy, causing the market value of gold to plummet for an entire decade.
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