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Discover the Quirky World of Claudius: Top 11 Entertaining and Unusual Facts You Never Knew!

illustration of claudius
Dive into the intriguing world of Claudius, Rome's accidental emperor, as we unveil the quirks and quips that made him a historical enigma!

1. Claudius the Gambling Guru

They say the emperor rolled with the punches, but Claudius preferred rolling dice: Roman historian Suetonius revealed that Claudius had such a passion for gambling that he even wrote a book on the subtle art of dice, though its exact contents remain a befuddling mystery.
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2. Clark Kent of Roman Emperors

Much like Clark Kent hiding behind his glasses, Claudius was a Roman emperor camouflaged in perceived weakness: behind his physical disabilities hid an adept ruler who defied expectations by implementing crucial administrative reforms, expanding the empire, and outmaneuvering political rivals.
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3. Claudius' Chaotic Love Life

Poor Claudius couldn't quite catch a break in the love department, as he found himself on a "Game of Thrones"-esque rollercoaster of romantic intrigue and betrayal: The Roman emperor, known for his historical research and Britain's annexation, endured a chaotic love life filled with multiple marriages and conspiracies against him. Claudius' fourth wife and ambitious niece, Agrippina, eventually poisoned him to ensure her son Nero would secure his spot as the next ruler, rather than Claudius' own son Britannicus.
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4. Claudius: Limp to Leadership

From the school of hard knocks to the imperial throne: Claudius, born in modern-day Lyon, France, defied the odds of his limp and slight deafness, becoming a successful emperor who expanded the imperial bureaucracy, restored finances, conquered Britain, and dabbled in impressive feats of engineering. His love life may have been a rollercoaster, but his rule was rock'n'roll for the Roman Empire!
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Emperor and Scholar

5. Emperor and Scholar

While others in the Roman Empire were busy saying "YOLO" and "Carpe Diem", our man Claudius was all about "Carthago Delenda Est" and "Lorem Ipsum": This serious scholar and underrated emperor authored dozens of volumes on Carthaginian history, Etruscan culture, the Roman Republic, and even the Roman alphabet, earning him the respect of fellow historians like Tacitus.
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6. Master of Infrastructure

If Caesar could build it, they would come: Despite a knack for tripping over his own toga, Emperor Claudius proved to be a master of infrastructure, bringing Roman engineering to new heights by overseeing major projects such as colossal aqueducts, sturdy roads, and even a mammoth harbor in Ostia that made the empire a hive of bustling trade.
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7. The Fart Law Tale

When in Rome, do as the emperors do - fart freely and proudly: Claudius, a Roman Emperor, instituted a law permitting the passage of gas without any legal repercussions, but his successor, Constantine, put a stop to the flatulent festivities by banning belching and flatus in the city, unaware that humans release gas 13 times a day, totaling between 200 and 2000ml of methane, nitrogen, and hydrogen.
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8. Hunger Games Champion

Mind the gap: Emperor Claudius, the original hunger games champion! In times of extreme food scarcity, our dear leader pulled off the togas and the trinkets, giving bags of money to the commoners and summoning high-flying merchants to amp up the grain game: Claudius saved Rome from starvation, armed with shipbuilding incentives, a shiny new harbor at Ostia, a splashing aqueduct, and oodles of peppy perseverance that kept both Roman bellies – and spirits – full.
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9. Claudius the Emoji Pioneer

Before emojis conquered human emotions and literature alike, one Roman Emperor was well ahead of the curve, emojying himself in the written world: Claudius, a literary aficionado, authored several books, including a historical chronicle of Etruria – a work now sadly lost to the merciless winds of time.
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Library Lover Claudius

10. Library Lover Claudius

Riddle me this: what do you get when an emperor loves his library more than the bedroom? A man ahead of his time, that's what – and probably a lot of disappointed concubines: Claudius, the Roman emperor, may have had a bevy of beauties at his beck and call, but he was more drawn to penning histories and advocating for the disabled than indulging in carnal pursuits like his fellow aristocrats.
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11. Chicken Oracle Prophecy

In a twist that would make even the Oracle of Delphi giggle, Emperor Claudius channeled his inner chicken to transform an ancient prophecy into a timeless gift: Upon receiving a cryptic message from the Sibyl in Cumae, Claudius stuttered, clucked, and stumbled his way through life, only to find his voice at last in the pages of his own history, which remains a chatty and insightful record to this day.
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