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Discover the Top 4 Fascinating Fun Facts About Growing Up: Unravel the Secrets of Childhood and Adolescence!

illustration of growing-up
Dive into the nostalgia-filled rabbit hole with these amusing and intriguing fun facts about the wild adventure we call "growing up"!

1. Sugar Monsters

Whoever said, "sugar, spice, and everything nice" must have been talking about babies: Children are born with a natural preference for sweet flavors, like their mother's milk, which remains heightened for almost a decade, explaining their insatiable appetite for all things sugary, although the modern food environment doesn't help keep it in check.
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2. Baby Godzilla Growth

Hold onto your diapers, world! Babies are secretly planning an invasion by growing at alarming rates, trying to rival the height of skyscrapers – or at least, that's what they'd like you to think: In reality, babies experience a significant growth spurt of around 10 inches in their first year, with an annual growth of about 4 inches afterwards, slowing down by age 3. No need to fear baby Godzilla just yet!
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3. Tiny Dreamers

Move over, power nappers: it's time to give crib credit to our tiny dreamers who snooze like clockwork! Establishing a sleep schedule for babies aged 7-9 months is crucial as it promotes cognitive and motor development, reduces stress, supports organ health, maintains a healthy weight, keeps germs at bay, and makes learning a cakewalk - so let those little ones catch some serious Z's.
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4. Little Lemurs of Learning

When curiosity killed the cat, it must have used a child's incessant questioning as its weapon of choice: Turns out, kids growing up in bustling metropolises like London ask an astonishing 93 questions per day, as discovered by a study polling 1,500 UK parents. Although the relentless curiosity can be exhausting, the children's natural eagerness to learn remains a great source of pride for their parents. Father figures, beware - you're more likely to be in the direct line of inquisitive fire as parents struggle to answer close to half of these daily puzzles posed by their little lemurs of learning!
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