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Discover the Top 8 Surprising and Entertaining Fun Facts About Boys You Never Knew!

illustration of boys
Dive into the intriguing world of boys with these amusing and entertaining fun facts that'll make you wonder, "Is it really true?"

1. Bottomless Appetites

Boys may be bottomless pits when it comes to food: But it's all thanks to their need for more calories per day compared to their female counterparts! The USDA estimates that teenage boys typically require 2,000 to 3,200 calories per day, depending on factors like physical activity and growth rate, whereas girls of the same age generally need about 1,800 to 2,400 calories per day.
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2. Sports, Breaks, and Bones

Whoever said "break a leg" never considered the consequences for our young athletes: physically fit adolescent boys and girls have better bone health but are at higher risk of fractures from intense sports activities due to temporary bone health deficits.
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3. The Limping Pharaoh

The young pharaoh who limped his way to the throne, proving that "walk like an Egyptian" isn't a prerequisite for ruling: King Tut had a club foot and required a cane, as unveiled in the first-ever DNA study of ancient Egyptian royal mummies. Tut's reign began at age 9 and ended just nine years later, but his genetic quirks were no laughing matter—they were due to his parents being siblings.
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4. Spartan Food Thieves

Imagine if Oliver Twist attended school in Sparta and graduated as a cunning food thief with a survival instinct degree: in ancient Sparta, young boys were indeed encouraged to steal food as part of their education program called the agoge, which trained them to be resourceful and survival-savvy even if it meant risking severe punishment or death.
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Seahorse Superdads

5. Seahorse Superdads

When it comes to childcare, even the toughest guys don't hold a candle to this macho marine dad: Male seahorses develop complex placental structures for providing oxygen and removing carbon dioxide for their embryos, all tucked away in a brood pouch on their tail, eventually giving birth to up to 1,000 sea-tots!
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6. Empathy-Boosting Dolls

Move over, Ken: boys are nurturing their softer side with Wonder Crew and Boy Story, two doll lines intentionally designed for boys to promote empathy, caregiving skills, and emotional expression. Crafted by two innovative moms dissatisfied with limited doll options, this dynamic duo of playtime pals not only helps forge strong relationships for a heartier future, but also aligns with Grant Study findings which highlight the impact of emotional connections on well-being. It's a toy story revolution!
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7. Fashionably Colorblind

In a colorful turn of events, it seems that the male population might not always have the best taste in fashion, and science is here to back it up: a study among Kathmandu University undergraduates found that 5% of male students were color blind, while none of the female students were, with total color blindness being the prevalent type at 58.33% among the afflicted males.
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8. Cracking the Culinary Ceiling

Back in the day when "Ladies who lunch" was less of a chic catchphrase and more of a societal necessity, women found respite from the testosterone-driven dining rooms that catered exclusively to gentlemen's gastronomic needs: It wasn't until the late 19th century that female chefs finally began breaking through the culinary glass ceiling, as opportunities for women in the professional kitchen started to take a turn for the delicious, thanks in large part to a rise in women-owned restaurants in the West.
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