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Peas Please: Top 10 Unbelievable and Entertaining Fun Facts About Peas You Never Knew

illustration of peas
Get ready to have your mind pea-blown as we uncover some truly a-pea-ling fun facts about these little green wonders!

1. Pea Plants & Genetics

Peas be with you as we spill the secrets of these little green wonders: Gregor Mendel, the father of modern genetics, unravelled the mysteries of inheritance by breeding pea plants with different characteristics for eight whole years, laying the groundwork for our current understanding of how traits get passed down from generation to generation.
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2. Peas: Garden Robin Hoods

Peas be the unsung heroes of the garden, breaking soil bread with their neighbors like true nitrogen Robin Hoods: These little green orbs enrich the soil by fixing nitrogen, acting as an all-natural fertilizer for other plants, making them not only a tasty treat but also the best garden pals around.
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3. Magical Fiber Powers

Move over, Gandalf: peas have got some magical fiber powers too! A 100-gram portion of split peas boasts an astounding 26 grams of dietary fiber – that's over 100% of the recommended daily value based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Not only impressive in the digestive enchantment department, they're also high in protein and low in fat, making them a fantastic addition to any sorcerer's – we mean, health-conscious individual's – meal plan.
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4. Peas: Culinary Chameleons

Peas be nimble, peas be quick, peas give us quite the culinary pick! From plump little green astronauts to thin flat supermodels strutting down Nature's runway: There is a variety of peas you can grow, including shelling peas, snow peas, and sugar snap peas. Shelling peas are harvested when the peas are fully mature, taking 50-70 days, while snow peas are collected when the pods are still flat and just forming. Sugar snap peas enter the scene approximately 60 days after planting, when the pods are filled but not yet fully mature.
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Legume Family Secret

5. Legume Family Secret

Peas be with you: have you ever wondered how these little green orbs manage to pack such a nutrient punch? The secret lies in the fact that peas belong to the legume family, which allows them to absorb nitrogen from the atmosphere through a special bond with Rhizobia bacteria in their root nodules. These bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into a soluble form that peas can easily use, making them nutritional powerhouses!
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6. Partying Peas Worldwide

From petits pois to mushy alley-oops, peas sure do know how to party like it's 1599: As it turns out, the UK prefers garden peas and petit pois, which are younger and sweeter, while the US palate caters to snow peas, snap peas, and hull peas – with some even bred for an extra sugar kick. Meanwhile, Britain's mushy peas made from mashed peas remind us that every pealightful shindig needs some versatile dance moves.
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7. Pea Genetics & Padawans

Peas be with you, young Padawan, as we reveal the enlightening truth about the mighty legume: Gregor Mendel, the father of genetics, carried out his world-changing experiments on heredity by observing and analyzing the humble garden pea, unlocking the universal principles of genetics we use today.
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8. Nitrogen Dance-off

Peas be jammin' with some bacterial buddies and soil in the ultimoot legume dance-off, all while having a nitrogen-infiltration party underground: Peas are in cahoots with nitrogen-fixing bacteria called rhizobia, masterfully transforming atmospheric nitrogen into plant-friendly ammonia thanks to nifty nodules on their roots, making them rock stars in the world of soil regeneration and cover cropping.
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9. Leguminati Blood Sugar Balance

Peas be with you, young leguminati: These green orbs of hilarity not only tickle your taste buds, but also help maintain a balanced blood sugar act, thanks to their low glycaemic index, bountiful fibre, and nutrient-rich ensemble of magnesium, B vitamins, vitamin C, plant-based protein, and heart-loving minerals.
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Willy Wonka's Purple Peaseeds

10. Willy Wonka's Purple Peaseeds

Like a scene straight out of Willy Wonka's garden, these peas are painting their seeds purple: The Golden Sweet pea variety naturally experiences a mutation where solid purple seeds can occur, only for their offspring to revert back to the standard tan with purple flecks.
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