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Discover Kale's Superpowers: Top 10 Fun Facts You Never Knew About This Nutrient-Packed Veggie

illustration of kale
Get ready to leaf through some fascinating and kale-tivating tidbits about everyone's favorite superfood – kale!

1. Frost-Enhanced Flavor

Kale, the frosty treat that bites back: This sturdy veggie not only withstands temperatures as low as -15.0° Celsius, but actually becomes sweeter after a heavy frost! Hailing from the eastern Mediterranean and Anatolia, kale was a dinner guest back in 2000 BCE, and its curly-haired Greek cousins are the Fabios of today's delectable superfood.
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2. Toga Party Veggie

Kale me crazy, but did you know this leafy green had a toga party with the ancient Greeks and Romans? That's right: kale and collards have been harvested for over two thousand years, boasting a wealth of minerals and vitamins that still have modern nutritionists singing their praises.
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3. Jefferson's Kale Passion

Laying a Jeffersonian Smackdown on Kale Enthusiasts Everywhere: Thomas Jefferson was no ordinary kale connoisseur—he repped his love for Sea Kale by proudly parading its bluish-green leaves and white flowers in his Monticello garden circa 1809. The founding father particularly fancied these early spring sprouts, which he'd cloak with large blanching pots like it was a leafy fashion show and harvest them asparagus-style once they reached six inches high. Craving a taste of history and a mild cabbage flavor? Get your hands on Sea Kale seeds or plants from Monticello's Online Shop and start channeling your inner Jefferson.
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4. Kale's Superfood Evolution

Once upon a time, in a culinary landscape far, far away, kale was the humble, leafy sidekick to the main entrées, cheerfully posing for selfies as a decorative garnish on our plates: Fast forward to the 21st century, and this underdog emerges as a superstar, packed with vitamins A, B6, C, K, folate, fiber, carotenoids, and manganese, rightfully earning its "superfood" cape and soaring high on grocery lists around the globe.
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Disco Kale and Thyroid Health

5. Disco Kale and Thyroid Health

Kale yeah! This leafy green had its funky disco moment in the 1970s and has since risen to superfood stardom, serenading our salads and smoothies: However, nutrition experts advise against going full-throttle on the kale craze, as overindulging in cruciferous vegetables can cause thyroid hormone deficiencies, emphasizing the importance of a balanced veggie intake for optimal health.
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6. Cruciferous Superstar

Kale or nada: Move over, broccoli, there's a new cruciferous superstar in town! Belonging to the elite Brassicaceae family that boasts of cauliflower, cabbage, and those notorious green trees of our childhood, kale is famous for its nutrient-packed résumé and cross-shaped flower formations, graciously earning itself the esteemed title of "cruciferous." Watch out, world—our leafy green friend is taking the vegetable hall of fame by storm!
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7. Calcium Showdown: Kale vs. Milk

Guess who's giving milk a run for its money in the calcium department? That's right, it's our leafy green friend, kale! Dishing out some serious competition to the dairy aisle: Kale offers more calcium per calorie than popular dairy products like milk, making it a nutrient-packed powerhouse for all calcium seekers.
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8. Superpowered Vision with Kale

Who knew that a Hulk's salad could help you see with superpowers too? That's certainly one "eye-opening" secret recipe: Kale is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, two carotenoid antioxidants that have been linked to a reduced risk of macular degeneration and cataracts, thus promoting healthier vision.
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9. The Flavorful Shades of Kale

Step aside, Fifty Shades of Grey, and meet the flavorful Fifty Shades of Kale: There are numerous varieties of this leafy sensation, like the dark and sultry Nero di Tuscana, the broad-leafed Siberian kale, and the frilly Temptress named Bear Necessities. Unquestionably, kale is a superfood chock-full of nutrients, making it the nutrient-rich Casanova of any culinary romance.
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Kale: International Heartbreaker

10. Kale: International Heartbreaker

Who knew kale could break hearts and cultural barriers? This leafy green Casanova might just leave you craving a romantic dinner from a far-off land: Contrary to popular belief, kale is not a traditional ingredient in countries like Portugal, Scotland, Japan, or Denmark, even though its fame skyrocketed in the 1990s due to its impressive nutritional value.
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