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11 Tantalizing Fun Facts About Kimchi: Discover the Secrets of this Korean Delight!

illustration of kimchi
Get ready for a flavorful adventure as we dive into the spicy, tangy world of kimchi and uncover the most fascinating fun facts about this Korean culinary treasure!

1. Cabbage Apocalypse

Brace yourselves, kimchi fans: it's the cabbage apocalypse! In 2010 Korea faced the Great Cabbage Crisis when the demand for kimchi was at an all-time high: the government had to temporarily suspend import tariffs on the leafy green just to stabilize prices and fulfill the nation's insatiable cravings for this fermented delicacy.
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2. Royal Kimchi Feast

Move over, Meghan and Harry: the original royals of flavor, the Joseon Dynasty, dined lavishly with twelve dishes, including what's now a worldwide edible phenomenon - kimchi! As just one of the many side dishes fit for kings and queens, kimchi began as a simple way to preserve vegetables but has since exploded onto the global culinary stage, firmly placing itself as an essential piece of Korean cuisine.
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3. Bacteriophage Party

Who you gonna call? Bacteriophage-busters! That's right, kimchi, the beloved fermented veggie dish, is teeming with microscopic ghoulies and viruses that have a penchant for bacteria-wrackin': During the early fermentation stage of watery kimchi varieties like Baek-kimchi and Dongchimi, they can contain a whopping 6.5 log particles/mL of bacteriophages, which play a fascinating role in the succession of bacteria and contribute to that funky, ferocious flavor we all can't resist.
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4. Popeye's Korean Cousin

If Popeye had a Korean cousin, they'd be chomping on kimchi instead of spinach: This fermented delight not only boasts heaps of vitamins A, B1, B2, and C, but also minerals like iron and calcium, along with dietary fiber and probiotics to keep your digestion on track and immune system ready for battle!
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Kimchi in Space

5. Kimchi in Space

Houston, we have a kimchi-tuation: South Korean astronaut Soyeon Yi brought Korean space food, including kimchi, on her 2008 space mission, garnering rave reviews from fellow astronauts who craved Korean cuisine for the rest of their flight.
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6. Gut-Rescuing Bacteria

Feeling a little gut-struck? Kimchi to the rescue: With 100 million lactic acid bacteria stuffed into every delectable gram, this fermented powerhouse hosts over 100 diverse microorganisms that'll kickstart your digestion and put your immune system back in fighting shape!
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7. Kimchi Superteam

You may think that kimchi only has cabbage in its corner, but this feisty ferment has a superteam of veggies just waiting to be pickled into fermented fame: from daikon radish to kohlrabi, carrots to eggplant, and even beets, Kimchi's striking versatility comes from the ability to pickle or ferment a diverse ensemble of vegetables.
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8. Museum Kimchikan Adventure

In a pickle about what to do in Seoul? Ferment no further and head straight to the Museum Kimchikan: a delightful hub where you can learn the saucy history of Korea's beloved staple, make your own version, taste-test different varieties, discover its health benefits, and explore how those Lactobacillus bacteria find their way into the global export market.
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9. Kimchi's Zombie-Proof Insulation

Before frosty temperatures turn our beloved kimchi into a "Frozen" sequel even Elsa wouldn't approve of, Korean households have come to the rescue, armed with earthenware crocks and unwavering determination: These large "kimchidok" containers are traditionally buried underground during winter in order to insulate and protect kimchi from freezing, thereby disproving any connection to a zombie apocalypse thriller.
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UNESCO's Kimchi Love

10. UNESCO's Kimchi Love

When life gives you cabbage, make kimchi: A Korean treasure enjoyed globally, kimchi production, or kimjang, is a UNESCO recognized intangible cultural heritage, showcasing not just the nifty Napa cabbage but a versatile variety of veggies, and even a humble homage to leftover veggie scraps through a tasty broth.
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11. Wrinkle-Warding Kimchi

Are wrinkles giving you an eternity-long frown? Let kimchi turn that frown into antioxidant-rich smiles: A study in the Journal of Medicinal Food reveals that kimchi is packed with potent antioxidants that can shield our skin from the mischief of free radicals, ultimately keeping premature aging at bay.
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