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11 Aromatic Fun Facts About Basil: The Regal Herb of World Cuisines

illustration of basil
Get ready to beleaf it or not as we dive into the fascinating world of fun facts about basil – guaranteed to spice up your herbaceous knowledge!

1. Basil: Bacteria-Busting Superpower

Hold onto your pesto, everyone: turns out basil's got a secret superpower beyond its ability to up your pasta game! That's right, this unassuming little herb actually moonlights as a bacteria-busting warrior: research has found that basil essential oil can effectively inhibit the growth of drug-resistant Escherichia coli strains, potentially offering an alternative or complementary treatment for those pesky bacterial infections that just won't quit.
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2. Pesto's Prestigious Genovese Basil

Can you smell what Liguria's cooking? Why, it's none other than the ultimate basil, the green leafy rock star of the culinary world! This herbacious Hulk quashes other basils with its remarkable power: its status as a key ingredient in the traditional Ligurian dish, pesto alla genovese, has propelled it into the prestigious DOP system (Denominazione di Origine Protetta). This means any DOP-certified Genovese basil you scoop up promises a high-kicking, authentically grown and packaged experience of basil greatness.
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3. Basil's Many Chameleon Identities

Basil: the chameleon of the herb world, with more identities than a secret agent on an undercover mission! This leafy hero's versatile flavors range from sweet to spicy, and even dabble in the world of fashion donning hues of green and purple: With over 60 tantalizing varieties, including sweet, purple, cinnamon, and Thai basil, this polymorphic plant originally from Central Africa to Southeast Asia now struts its stuff globally, adding pizzazz to plates in the Mediterranean, temperate zones, and subtropical climates.
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4. Herbaceous Tickets to the Afterlife

Basil may not help you brush up on your flirting skills or land a hot date, but in ancient times it could've scored you a VIP spot in the afterlife: This fragrant herb was treasured by ancient Egyptians, used in embalming mummies and even believed to have healing powers by Hindus—who would offer prayers of forgiveness after touching it—and Greeks, who saw it as a symbol of fertility and a cure for venomous bites. So, while it might not spice up your love life, basil definitely has an impressive résumé from the past.
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Basil: Garden Growth Guru

5. Basil: Garden Growth Guru

Feeling a bit "basil-furious" about your garden's slow growth and pesky visitors? Give your leafy buddies a dose of this royal herb for an un-be-leaf-able transformation: Basil essential oil not only repels insects, but also significantly improves the growth of various vegetables such as tomatoes, beans, broccoli, peppers, and potatoes.
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6. Plumbing Woes? Basil to the Rescue!

Has the plumbing gone awry in your own personal temple of doom? Fear not, for the ancient wisdom of basil may just serve as an unexpected handyman for your hind-gut: basil seeds can act as a natural laxative, helping to relieve constipation by becoming a bulk-forming laxative, so consider brewing some basil tea or gulping down some capsules to free the forces of gastrointestinal doom.
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7. Purple Ruffles: Sassy, Stylish Basil

Introducing the "ruffle shuffle" of the herb world: Purple Ruffles basil, a sweet variety known for its rich purple hue and heavily textured leaves, full of jagged edges and serrated sass. This vibrant basil variety not only adds a pop of fancy color to your plate but also offers a mild, spice-filled flavor with hints of licorice, anise, and cinnamon.
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8. Basil's Culinary, Spiritual, and Medicinal Roots

Before Basil Fawlty served up laughs at his haphazard hotel, his leafy namesake was catering to the culinary, spiritual, and medicinal needs of ancient civilizations: Basil, the delightful herb, enjoyed roles in ancient Egyptian embalming practices, Indian religious rituals, and Greco-Roman cooking and remedies, remaining a darling aromatic presence to this day.
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9. Holy Basil: Flavor for the Soul

Trying to spice up your spirituality and keep it organic? Holy Basil is here to add some flavor to your soul: Known as Tulsi in Hinduism, it symbolizes devotion and provides stress-relief, inner peace, and essential antioxidants, all while pleasing the taste buds.
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Basil: Prom King of Spices

10. Basil: Prom King of Spices

If the spice world had a prom king, then basil would surely be "the one": This green herb is not only popular in the kitchen, but also a treasure trove of health benefits, thanks to its rich source of apigenin - a flavonoid with anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antioxidant effects, as well as potential links to reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer's, depression, and insomnia!
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11. Roll Out the Basil Red Carpet

Roll out the "basil" red carpet and put some "fragrant" fun in your life: Basil fragrance oil is ideal for creating DIY candles, body sprays, and cold process soap, offering a fresh, aromatic scent that may not perfectly mimic nature's basil but still leaves room for applause and appreciation due to its versatile and user-friendly nature.
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