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Cheers to Tequila! Discover 11 Amazing Fun Facts About This Iconic Spirit

illustration of tequila
Dive into the spirited world of tequila and uncover the hidden gems that lie within this iconic, liquid gold with our collection of fun facts about tequila.

1. Steamy Agave Saunas

Gone are the days of roasting agave in underground tanning beds, and enter the era of steamy agave saunas: Modern tequila production now utilizes steam cookers or autoclaves for precise temperature control, revolutionizing the distillation process since its inception in the 16th century.
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2. Batman's Booze-Pollinating Wingman

Licking the salt off of Batman's heart: The Mexican long-nosed bat is the unsung hero of the tequila world, pollinating Weber Azul agave plants exclusively, which are crucial for your favorite margarita. Sadly, these winged vigilantes face extinction due to habitat loss and climate change, making your next shot of tequila a valuable treasure.
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3. Tequila Dreams and Mezcal Beams

What do you get when you cross a blue plant with steam? Tequila dreams and mezcal beams! : Tequila is made from blue agave and steamed in ovens, while mezcal can be produced using up to 50 agave species and is traditionally roasted in underground pits – lending it a smoky flair. Thanks to its unique taste, mezcal’s US consumption shot up by 32.4% in 2018, drawing the attention of big-shot liquor firms like Diageo and Bacardi.
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4. Tequila's Rebellious Past

Despite being the life of the party and putting 'spirited' debates to rest, tequila once had a rebellious past, engaging in a game of hide-and-seek with the authorities: The flavorful elixir started with European distillation techniques brought to Mexico in the 1600s, and stuck it to the man by surviving a government ban until the 17th century when it finally gained acceptance for tax collection purposes. Today, tequila boasts a protected Appellation of Origin in Mexico, supporting over 70,000 families and making sustainability the new buzzword in its agro industry.
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Barrel-Aged Sophistication

5. Barrel-Aged Sophistication

Tequila: the liquid gold responsible for more bad decisions than a Las Vegas nightclub DJ. It turns out, not all tequilas are created equal and some even possess a sense of sophistication: The elixir can be aged in different barrels such as American or French oak, offering a distinct flavor profile. Blanco tequila may be un-aged and clear, but it can also be rested for up to two months in stainless steel or oak barrels for a smoother taste, without inheriting the wood flavors that come from longer aging periods. Interestingly, blanco tequila shouldn't contain additives, so any hints of vanilla or sweetness likely come from added syrups or sweeteners, not the natural agave.
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6. Tequila & Chocolate: The Ultimate Love Potion

Who needs a love potion when you've got the sultry serenade of tequila and chocolate dancing on your taste buds: Blanco tequilas harmonize with white chocolate while dark or aged tequilas tango tantalizingly with dark chocolates, creating an irresistible frenzy of flavors especially with premium tequilas and artisanal-style chocolates.
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7. Roots Deep in Tequila Town

Pour me a glass of that liquid giggle juice, would you? Just ensure it's the authentic kind, with its roots deep in Tequila town: Tequila, by definition, must be crafted using at least 51% blue agave plant distillate, sourced exclusively from the state of Tequila, Jalisco in Mexico, and it undergoes a double distillation in copper pots to reach that feisty 90-proof or higher potency!
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8. Sacred Slurps in Mesoamerica

Before there was "tequila mockingbird" and cocktail-induced bravery, sacred slurps were all the rage: Pulque, a fermented agave concoction, graced the palates of Mesoamericans in religious rituals long before tequila's blue agave-based spirit came to take over the party scene following the Spanish invasion in the 16th century.
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9. Premium Tequila: Bring on the Blue

Ah, the mysterious realm of tequila: a place where blue agave plants play peekaboo with the sun, and one may find themselves singing "Build Me Up Buttercup" to a llama on a Tuesday morning: The key to premium tequila joy lies in selecting those that boast 100% Blue Agave sugars, while mixed tequilas, or Tequila Mixtos, merely contain a minimum of 51% of the blue stuff and sneak in other sugars and additives that'll leave you feeling thunderstruck in all the wrong ways.
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Tequila's Tipsy Debate: To Add or Not to Add

10. Tequila's Tipsy Debate: To Add or Not to Add

Tequila lovers, barrel with me for a moment while I distill this information: The unique character and taste of your favorite libation come from aging it in various barrels like American white oak, French oak, sherry barrels, or brandy barrels, with factors like length of aging and barrel usage forming its flavor profile. Although adding any additives is a big "NOM-o" in pure blanco tequila, some crafty distillers have sparked a tipsy debate with their agave syrup and glycerine remixes.
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11. Blue Mexican Party Allowed in Five Locations

What's blue, Mexican, and only allowed to party in five locations? We're talking tequila, of course: It can only be made from 100% blue agave and produced in Jalisco, Michoacán, Guanajuato, Tamaulipas, and Nayarit, as decreed by the mighty Tequila Regulatory Council since 1974, who also blessed us with the "NOM" label, making sure our tequila has optimal authenticity and Mexi-cred.
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