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Cheers to Knowledge: Top 9 Entertaining and Insightful Fun Facts About Bartenders!

illustration of bartenders
Dive into the fascinating and frothy world of mixology as we shake and stir together some wildly entertaining fun facts about bartenders!

1. You Are What You Drink

Does your bartender seem a little bit too intuitive? They might have tapped into your soul like you tap into a keg, after all, bartenders have their own way of deciphering your personality traits: According to Reader's Digest, bartenders can often sense the essence of a person based on their signature drink, whether it's the health-conscious fitness buff sipping a vodka soda, the detail-oriented craft beer aficionado with an affinity for fine leather, or the social butterfly swirling a glass of wine while dishing out the latest gossip. From gin martini traditionalists to rum and cola party animals, it's clear that you are what you drink!
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2. A Spoonful of Bartending

You know what they say about a bartender's spoon, right? The bigger, the better! Or, perhaps, location matters: Depending on your geography, bartenders are equipped with American, European, and Japanese bar spoons. These nifty tools vary in design and purpose—from the twisted handle and teaspoon capacity of American bar spoons to the flat-ended, layering-and-muddling-friendly European version and finally, the slender, weighted, and extra-easy-to-handle Japanese bar spoons. So, go ahead and sneak a peek at your bartender's spiffy spoon this weekend – just don't let them catch you staring!
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3. Creep on the Rocks, Please

Despite mixologists having shaken and stirred their way into our hearts, there's one cocktail no bartender wants to serve – the "Creep on the Rocks": In 2021, West Hollywood enacted a policy requiring bartenders and servers to receive bystander intervention training to prevent sexual violence, which led to over 3,000 trained employees learning to identify and intervene in dangerous situations, courtesy of the UCLA Health Rape Treatment Center.
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4. Alchemy for Your Taste Buds

Bartenders: the alchemists of libations, the artists of inebriation, the Willy Wonkas of wicked whiskeys! With nary a touch of synthetic hocus pocus, these mixology mavens magically fashion cocktails that treat your taste buds – and your body – to a dance of divine harmony: By balancing natural flavors from fruit pulps, veggie juices, and herbal mixtures, their concoctions delight our senses while maintaining a subtle equilibrium so we can throw back a few without throwing off our delicate mortal balance.
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Get Your Cocktail Cruise On

5. Get Your Cocktail Cruise On

Ever wanted to shake, stir, and pour like Tom Cruise in "Cocktail" but without risking a Scientology membership? Well, here's a bit of trivia that won't leave you high and dry: The National Bartender Certification can be obtained through a 40-hour mixology course, covering everything from alcohol awareness to job placement assistance, and catering to everyone's fancy with scheduling options like full day, morning, afternoon, evening, or weekend classes. This prestigious certificate is your ticket to worldwide recognition in the bartending industry!
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6. Holy Discounts, Batman!

If Saint Amand walked into a bar, he'd probably order a round for everyone – with a holy discount, of course: As the patron saint of beer brewers, vine growers, and merchants, this hospitable man of the cloth is also believed to extend his divine protection to bartenders, who could be included in the "merchants" category, according to the Vita Sancti Amandi.
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7. Battle of the Boozy Geniuses

When life hands you lemons, make a gin-tastic creation bound to raise the cocktail bar: Bartenders across the nation battle their shakers and muddlers in the Most Imaginative Bartender competition, presented by Bombay Sapphire Gin and hosted by the Tales of the Cocktail Foundation, where the creative concoction crafters could win a $20,000 creative grant and industry mentorship to bring their spirited visions to life.
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8. Bloody Mary Paternity Mystery

Move over, Maury: the paternity of the Bloody Mary is mired in a boozy battle of the bartenders. Between Fernand Petiot's spicy concoctions at the St. Regis in the 1940s, and George Jessel's alleged Palm Beach creation in 1927, we may never know who the true father is, but it's clear that their love child has become a classic brunch fixture, even earning an unofficial National Day on January 1st in the USA. Just remember kids, the key to a successful Bloody Mary lies not in its DNA but in choosing quality ingredients, balanced recipes, and impeccable technique.
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9. Underage-Busting Brewmasters

Behold, a remedy against underage drinking: ATAP-Certified Brewmasters, with legal vigour, swinging into action like libation-fueled superheroes! In all seriousness: Bartenders partaking in Alcohol Training Awareness Programs acquire vital skills to prevent violations, like selling to minors, and may even enjoy reduced penalties if violations do occur – a potion to be savored by both licensees and their staff.
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