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Discover the Unusual: Top 9 Fun and Fascinating Facts About Flatworms!

illustration of flat-worms
Dive into the curious world of flatworms, where being spineless is just the start of their fascinating tale!

1. Flatworm Dating App: Swiping Left on Love

If flatworms had a dating app, they'd swipe left on everyone: these critters have no need for romance when they can literally split themselves in two to create offspring! Seriously though: flatworms, particularly the Dugesia japonica species, undergo a fascinating process of asexual reproduction called binary fission, tearing themselves in half and regenerating the missing parts within a week, resulting in two separate worms – all thanks to the magic of biomechanics.
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2. Flatworms: Creepy-Crawly Fishermen with Homemade Glue

When flatworms go fishing, they leave the rods and reels behind and rely on their own sticky, homemade super glue instead: These invertebrates use their adhesive secretions to trap small crustaceans like a mucous-based flypaper, enabling them to catch prey much larger than themselves, while some of their brethren are living it up as freeloading parasites inside other animals' digestive systems.
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3. Worm Oscars: A Re-gifting Extravaganza

Ever heard of re-gifting during holidays? Well, flatworms take that concept to a whole new level in the Worm Oscars: Flatworms can reproduce through a process called fission, where they split their body in half and each half grows into a complete new worm, making them one of the few animal species capable of asexual reproduction.
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4. Doctor Who's Slimy Rivals: Masters of Regeneration

Step aside, Doctor Who, because flatworms are the true masters of regeneration! These wiggly wonders are known for their ability to grow back lost body parts like they're going out of style: thanks to specialized neoblast cells, flatworms can regenerate tissues such as eyes and protonephridia cells through a target-blind model, making the loss of cells in a regenerating tissue lower than that in an uninjured one. As such, they can grow back what's missing - sans any Time Lord technology!
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Oxygen Opera House Rejects: Breathing Made Easy

5. Oxygen Opera House Rejects: Breathing Made Easy

Flatworms may not be winning any awards at the Oxygen Opera House, but they certainly know how to breathe easy without the fancy equipment: These sneaky skin-breathers obtain their oxygen through diffusion, as its molecules directly enter their body through their soft and porous skin, with no need for lungs or gills.
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6. Edge of a Knife: The Almost Immortal Flatworm

You could say flatworms are just worming their way out of tricky situations, always emerging intact after life's little mishaps: These planarians, the self-repairing icons, can regenerate any lost body part in mere days due to their plethora of pluripotent stem cells, essentially granting them the title of "almost immortal under the edge of a knife."
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7. Graduates of Hydra: The Death-Defying Worm

Flatworms have clearly graduated from the school of Hydra, taking a leaf out of their regeneration playbook: These slimy, unassuming creatures can regenerate their entire body from just a tiny piece, defying death as they recover from injuries that would send other organisms straight to the pearly gates.
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8. Groovy Flatworms: Swimming with Style

Forget freestyle, breaststroke, or even the butterfly: flatworms have got their own groovy dance! These little ribbon-like party animals are flat-out fabulous, gliding through the water by jiving with their body's edges in a snazzy wave-like motion: Without any actual muscles, flatworms rely on tiny hair-like cilia and funky, muscle-like cells called myocytons to get their groove on while their flattened physiques help them soak up nutrients and oxygen like a VIP at an all-you-can-eat buffet.
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9. Flatworm's Party Trick: The Head-Regrowing Champion

Talk about a head start in life: The humble Dugesia japonica flatworm has quite the party trick, being able to regrow its entire head from a mere 1/279th of its original body size!
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