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Discover Allosaurus: 9 Jaw-Dropping Fun Facts About the Prehistoric Predator

illustration of allosaurus
Get ready to embark on a prehistoric adventure as we uncover some fascinating and lesser-known tidbits about the remarkable Allosaurus!

1. Edward Scissorjaws

Move over, Edward Scissorhands! Allosaurus was the original king of slicers and dicers in the prehistoric chomping game: This fearsome and sharp-toothed dino sported ziphodont teeth with well-developed serrated cutting edges, which enabled it to tear through its carnivorous diet and reign as one of the apex predators during the Mesozoic era.
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2. Jurassic CSI

Taking Jurassic reality shows to a whole new level, Allosaurus made a name for itself by chowing down fellow dinosaurs and leaving behind "relics" of its dining adventures: Researchers have discovered 2,368 Allosaurus fossil bones at the Mygatt-Moore Quarry site, six times more than at similar locations, with a jaw-dropping 29% of them bearing bite marks, proving the species was not only a fierce predator but also a resourceful scavenger during the Late Jurassic period.
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3. Steak Knife 2.0

If you think a serrated steak knife makes quick work of your dinner, imagine the prehistoric equivalent armed with a toothy grin: Allosaurus boasted up to 3-inch long teeth, sharper than any cutlery you know, designed to slice through flesh and bone like a warm knife through butter during the late Jurassic period.
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4. Jurassic Park After Dark

Did the Allosaurus recount tales of Jurassic Park After Dark? With shadowy, collective prehistoric rampages that filled their fearsome nights: It turns out, according to the Cleveland Dinosaur Quarry in Utah, Allosaurus may have hunted in packs to tackle enormous prey such as sauropods and stegosaurs, though concrete evidence is yet to be unearthed.
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Prehistoric Yoga Master

5. Prehistoric Yoga Master

If the Allosaurus were in a yoga class, it'd be the one twisting and bending like a pretzel, putting everyone else to shame: The secret behind its impressive flexibility lies in its concave vertebrae, enabling it to maneuver swiftly through its environment and effortlessly hunt down prey.
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6. Frenemy of the Ancient World

Picture Allosaurus as the ultimate frenemy of the ancient world, trying to survive on the razor's edge between "Friend or foe?" and "Laughter is the best medicine...but so is a mouthful of neighbor": Allosaurus was not only a fierce predator but also one that has been theorized to actively hunt and kill its fellow theropods like Torvosaurus and Ceratosaurus, making it a truly terrifying presence in the prehistoric landscape.
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7. CrossFit? AlloFit!

Before you go reminiscing Allosaurus' workout routine, no, it didn't spend leg day at the prehistoric CrossFit gym: In reality, this apex predator featured a unique feeding strategy, using its slender jaws, falcon-like strike-and-tear attack, long flexible neck, and clawed arms to expertly tear into its unsuspecting meals.
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8. T-Rex Meets Flash Gordon

The rare fusion of T-Rex and Flash Gordon – meet Allosaurus! These feisty Jurassic predators aced the art of multitasking: Allosaurus fragilis not only boasted a massive adult physique for devouring large prey, but their sprint-happy juveniles excelled at chasing down smaller vertebrates. Get you an Allosaurus who can do both!
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9. Jaw-Dropping Gape Champ

Move over T-Rex, we've found a jaw-dropping game changer in the dinosaur world: Allosaurus could open its jaws wider than a right angle, boasting a maximum jaw gape of 92 degrees, making it a swift and efficient hunter, able to capture larger prey – just don't expect it to crush any bones in the process.
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