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Discover the Ocean's Gladiators: Top 8 Fun Facts About Swordfish You'll Love!

illustration of swordfish
Dive into the fascinating world of these oceanic gladiators as you explore a treasure trove of lesser-known swordfish tidbits!

1. The Flash of the Sea

If the Flash were a fish, he'd be green with envy: Swordfish can zip through the ocean at over 60 miles per hour, thanks to their sleek body shape that slices through water like a katana on a mission. This fishy speedster even comes with its own premium engine oil, secreted from a special organ at the base of their bill, ensuring the smooth, lightning-fast agility they're known for!
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2. Nomadic Spring Breakers

Swordfish: the aquatic nomads craving a lifelong spring break, forever chasing the perfect watery love shack and five-star seafood buffet: These underwater Einsteins can migrate over colossal distances, spanning hundreds or even thousands of miles, showcasing their remarkable GPS skills and adaptability to diverse aquatic conditions in order to find the ideal breeding, feeding, and environmental opportunities.
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3. Whack-A-Squid Masters

Ever since "Got Your Nose," rumors have swirled that swordfish love a good ol' game of "Whack-A-Squid": Swordfish skillfully wield their horizontally flattened and smooth bills like a scythe to stun and capture prey, debunking the popular belief that they impale their meals with their sword-like bills.
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4. Heated Goggles Evolution

You've got to hand it to the swordfish - they're the original heated goggles of the deep sea, providing that extra level of real-life HD vision for those long action-packed chases: Swordfish have evolved to convert a muscle once used for eye movement into an organ that warms their eyes, granting them over 10 degrees of extra heat and drastically enhancing their detection of fast-moving prey in the murky ocean depths.
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Speedy Billfish Siblings

5. Speedy Billfish Siblings

If the Flash traded in his spandex for scales, he'd be a swordfish: These aquatic speedsters can reach up to an astonishing 60 miles per hour, making them some of the fastest fish in the ocean, and putting them in the same lightning-fast Billfish family as marlins and sailfish.
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6. Underwater Speedy Gonzalez

Hey, Speedy Gonzalez has some competition under the sea: Swordfish can swim at breakneck speeds of up to 60 miles per hour, making them one of the fastest fish in the ocean!
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7. Hemingway's Record-Breaking Marlin

Reeling in a big fish tale: The 1958 cinematic adaptation of Hemingway's classic, "The Old Man and the Sea," featured a marlin so monstrously magnificent that it broke world records! The film's awe-inspiring marlin scenes showcase Alfred C. Glassell Jr.'s record-breaking catch at the Cabo Blanco Fishing Club in Peru, with Glassell himself even acting as a special advisor for the aquatic action.
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8. Laughter vs Heat: Swordfish Vision

They say laughter is the best medicine, but swordfish may argue that it's all about the heat: Swordfish have evolved an extraocular muscle that warms their eyes and brain up to 15 degrees Celsius above the surrounding water temperature, dramatically improving their vision and hunting capabilities in the chilly deep-sea depths.
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