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10 Jaw-Dropping Fun Facts About Sand Tiger Sharks You Won't Believe!

illustration of sand-tiger-sharks
Dive into the fascinating world of sand tiger sharks and discover a treasure trove of intriguing tidbits that are sure to make a splash!

1. Lazy Coworker Sharks

Much like a lazy coworker who just can't seem to keep their head up during a long afternoon meeting, sand tiger sharks have also found a sly way to conserve their energy for the really important stuff: In a one-of-a-kind party trick among the shark-kind, sand tiger sharks gulp air at the surface and hold it in their bellies, buoying themselves just above the ocean floor as they patiently await their next meal.
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2. Sharky Scuba Divers

Don't be surprised if you see sand tiger sharks taking a quick gulp of air like they're desperately trying to inflate a stubborn pool float: these unique sea creatures swallow air to increase their buoyancy, making them the scuba divers of the shark world. Though they sport a rather menacing smile, they're rather chill sharks that mostly avoid humans, reside in shallow coastal waters, and give birth to cute little pups that are ready to take on the world from the get-go. Talk about no-fuss parenting!
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3. Underwater Smileys

Whoever said not to judge a book by its cover clearly never met a sand tiger shark: its sinister grin belies a gentle soul that wouldn't harm a human hair. Unlike its toothy exterior suggests, these sharks are actually docile and non-aggressive towards humans. So go ahead, say cheese with these underwater smileys – they don't bite!
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4. Sharks' Hunger Games

Move over, Hunger Games; sand tiger sharks have their own toothy version of survival of the fittest: These turbo-charged Jaws juniors practice intrauterine cannibalism, leading to just two pups per pregnancy, each an impressive three feet (one meter) long at birth. This adelphophagy ensures only the largest and strongest shark pups make it into the world, already primed for underwater success.
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Self-Maintaining Shark Teeth

5. Self-Maintaining Shark Teeth

Tired of the dentist's chair? Become a sand tiger shark! These underwater chompers have it all sorted: Sand tiger sharks boast multiple rows of teeth, continually growing new ones to replace the old, ensuring they never run out of lethal cutlery for their aquatic escapades - although they won't amass the legendary 30,000-teeth count of their great white cousins.
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6. Baby Sharknado

Whoever said "you are what you eat" must've had sand tiger sharks in mind: these iron-wombed, not-so-fatal Jaws with a taste for sibling snacks have zero human kills to their credit, but utilize intrauterine cannibalism – aka baby sharknado – as their reproductive method, leading to their critically endangered status and disappearance from the Mediterranean since 2003.
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7. Shark Scuba Gear

Who knew sharks had their own form of scuba gear? These crafty underwater geniuses have got it all figured out: Sand tiger sharks gulp and store air in their stomachs, creating neutral buoyancy that lets them lurk motionless over the ocean floor, digesting food and conserving energy while they await their next unsuspecting prey.
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8. Sibling Rivalry on Steroids

Talk about survival of the finnest: Sand tiger sharks take sibling rivalry to a deadly level while they're still in the womb! The serious reveal: These fierce embryos partake in intrauterine cannibalization, meaning the largest ones devour their smaller siblings before birth, leaving only two dominating babies measuring up to 125 centimeters long, effectively sidestepping predators and making paternity dating extra competitive.
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9. Shark Balloon Artist

Ever heard of a shark on a gas diet? Balloon-animal impersonations on the seafloor? Well, lend me your ears, or, um, eyes: The sand tiger shark gulps and swallows air at the surface, retaining it in their stomach to achieve neutral buoyancy and effortlessly hover above the ocean floor – the only shark species known to have such ingenious skills!
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Aquatic Mr. Rogers

10. Aquatic Mr. Rogers

Despite looking like the tooth fairy's most terrifying nightmare, these fierce-looking underwater residents have a softer side – much like an aquatic Mr. Rogers: Sand tiger sharks are actually slow and docile creatures, rarely posing any threat to human beings.
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