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Discover the Secrets of the Sea: Top 11 Amazing Fun Facts About Sand Dollars You Never Knew!

illustration of sand-dollars
Dive into the whimsical world of sand dollars and uncover some fascinating tidbits about these captivating sea creatures!

1. Baker's Delight: Asexual Cloning

Unlike avid bakers obsessed with splitting their world-famous sourdough starter, sand dollars have their own uncanny method of preparing a double batch of family members: Through asexual reproduction during their larval stage, these cookie-like critters clone themselves into two identical organisms, increasing their numbers and dodging predators with sheer cloning power.
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2. Smooth Mover: Spine Dancing

Ditching the norms of R&B dance moves and moonwalk extravaganzas, sand dollars opted for a seriously laid-back groove: They employ their velvety spines to bury themselves in the sand and avoid predators, using their 60 muscles to retract said spines, creating underbelly grooves and cruising across the sandy dance floor like the tiniest of hovercrafts.
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3. Munching on Relatives: Larvae Snacks

Even sand dollars can't resist some good old cannibalism amidst their undersea shenanigans: With a jaw that boasts five rows of teeth, they devour larvae of their own species, taking their sweet time, about 15 minutes, to savor every crunch.
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4. Underwater Uber: Tube Feet

Who needs Uber when you've got tube feet? Sand dollars have mastered the art of multitasking with their tiny, suction-powered appendages: In addition to breathing, these underwater creatures use their tube feet for movement, feeding, and burrowing into the sand with the finesse of a well-timed comedic act.
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10-Year Sand Dollar Party

5. 10-Year Sand Dollar Party

While sand dollars are no good for a lively poker night with the seagulls, they sure can hold the "limelight" underwater for a decade: These coin-like creatures can live up to 10 years, playing an essential role in marine ecosystems by controlling the population of smaller invertebrates while also serving as a snack for a limited number of larger predators like some fish and the occasional crafty seagull.
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6. Bottom-Feeding Foodies

Looking for a five-star dining experience in the sand? The sand dollar's your guy: this humble echinoderm has its mouth located on the underside of its body, allowing it to sift through the sandy ocean floor and selectively dine on microscopic treats.
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7. Picky Eaters: No Sand Please

In an ironic twist of fate more fitting for a soap opera, sand dollars are actually poor when it comes to eating sand: Their daily buffet consists of crustacean larvae, copepods, diatoms, algae, and kelp, detritus, and even their own species' larvae. These five-star diners use a unique jaw structure with five rows of teeth to meticulously chew their food for up to 15 minutes before swallowing, while their hair-like cilia on their spines work like a conveyor belt to present them with constant culinary delights.
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8. Comedy & Fashion: Shell Patterns

When sand dollars aren't busy working on their stand-up comedy about life on the ocean floor, they manage to flaunt some pretty fancy designs on their shells: The intricate patterns adorning sand dollars actually serve a dual purpose, assisting in movement across the seabed while also functioning as pores for the exchange of nutrients and sea water.
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9. Little Mermaid Envy: Chic Design

You might say that sand dollars are the interior designers of the ocean floor, boasting an elegant pattern that would make even the Little Mermaid envious: This chic look is actually the result of numerous pores on their surface, allowing the exchange of nutrient-rich sea water and dissolved gases to pass through their tough exterior.
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Multitasking Marine Millipedes

10. Multitasking Marine Millipedes

Who would have thought sand dollars moonlight as marine millipedes, flaunting dainty tube feet that multitask like a boss? Get ready to be awed: these teensy feet, emerging from radial water vessels and aboral petals, juggle food collection, movement, gaseous exchange, and environmental sensing with aplomb. Next time you spot a sand dollar, tip your hat to these dynamic, multitasking microscopic marvels!
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11. Renewable Armor: Regrowing Spines

You'll never catch a sand dollar with a hole in its "pocket": these clever little creatures outwit predators by shedding their spines and simply growing new ones in their stead!
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