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Swimming with Surprises: Top 14 Fun Facts About Salmon You Need to Know

illustration of salmon
Dive into the fascinating world of salmon, where we'll uncover some of the most intriguing, jaw-dropping, and fin-tastically amusing facts about these magnificent swimmers!

1. Salmon's Extreme Dating Journey

Talk about going the extra mile, salmon style: Chinook salmon have been known to swim an astonishing 3,500 miles just to get to their spawning grounds and make a splash in the dating pool!
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2. Bear Buffet Bonanza

Move over all-you-can-eat buffets, bears at Brooks Falls are taking competitive eating to the next level: during peak fishing season, alpha male bears can catch and chow down on up to 30 salmon a day, while their less experienced buddies may need to settle for a lighter meal of considerably fewer fish.
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3. Nanny Salmon and Love Dances

Salmon mothers give a whole new meaning to the phrase "nanny knows best": Female salmon carefully craft intricate nests for their eggs, while males compete in fierce battles nearby to win over their mate's finned heart, with the dominant male often employing a shiver-inducing dance of love. Having multiple nests increases the chances of their precious little swimmers surviving long enough to hatch into the world come springtime.
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4. Kardashian-esque Nesting Dramas

When it comes to real estate decisions, salmon put the Kardashians to shame, rigorously assessing properties like gravel cleanliness, depth, and oxygen flow, only with less drama and no TV crew: Female salmon dig nests by wiggling like enthusiastic Zumba dancers, flapping tails to dislodge stones, while males flirt with vigorous tail-quivering. Subordinate suitors play party-crashers to fertilize the eggs, but after the grand event, salmon die, leaving behind heroic females who defend the nests in their final moments.
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Magnetic Fish Navigation Wonders

5. Magnetic Fish Navigation Wonders

Who knew fish could be so magnetic, both literally and figuratively? Salmon swear by the Earth's own GPS system: These exceptional fish have microscopic crystals of magnetite in their tissue, which allows them to navigate to their spawning grounds using the Earth's magnetic field. Researchers from Oregon State University found that magnetic pulses affect salmon's orientation, showing they use magnetite chains to detect changes in magnetic fields and find their way home.
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6. Prolific Homecoming Navigators

These fish put professional navigators to shame, make TomTom go "oh crumbs!", and would have Christopher Columbus asking them for directions: salmon possess an uncanny ability to locate and return to their birthplace, covering thousands of miles and possibly utilizing their sense of smell or sensitivity to the Earth's magnetic field to guide their way back home.
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7. Fishy Philanthropic Neighborhood

Ready for some piscine sitcom shenanigans? It turns out that salmon are not just fantastic at spawning, but also fabulous at spreading their wealth to the neighborhood – talk about excellent fishy philanthropists! No tree left behind: These aquatic altruists can indirectly boost plant growth and productivity up to a staggering 70 meters away from their spawning streams, ensuring a rich nutrient reservoir for the surrounding riparian forests and contributing to thriving ecosystem diversity.
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8. Real-life Marco Polo Salmon

Born under one stream, dying under another: salmon play a real-life game of Marco Polo, where every reunion is a homecoming party! The real catch: these fishy navigators rely on their olfactory memory to swim back to their hatching spot and spawn, with most of them successfully reuniting with their birthplace, while a minority take detours to other freshwater systems.
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9. Atlantic Salmon's Dual Citizenship

Move over, Aquaman – Atlantic salmon are the real kings of the sea... and rivers! The King of Fish shows how to work those double shifts, giving dual citizenship a whole new meaning: these anadromous creatures live in both fresh and salt water, with an intriguing life cycle that starts in rivers before they take the plunge into saltwater to feed, grow, and mature. Due to their endangered status, today's Atlantic salmon at the market is farmed – so no fishhooking any wild, rebellious salmon allowed! In fact, the only remaining wild U.S. Atlantic salmon can be found in a select few rivers in Maine, making them high-value contenders for conservation efforts.
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Aquatic Gossipmonger Indicator

10. Aquatic Gossipmonger Indicator

Whoever said fish are shallow clearly hasn't met the Atlantic salmon - they're the environmental gossipmongers of the aquatic world, always keeping tabs on how clean and well-connected a river's ecosystem is: The Atlantic salmon is deemed an "indicator species," meaning that their well-being is a direct reflection of the health of the environment they inhabit. A clean, well-connected ecosystem leads to a thriving salmon population, whereas a polluted, disconnected one results in decline. So, mind your waste, folks – the fish are watching!
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11. Superior Sniffing Skills

Talk about a nose-talgic homecoming: Salmon boast an extraordinary olfactory talent, allowing them to sniff out their natal rivers with such precision that they can detect specific tributaries to guide them on their perilous adventure back to their spawning grounds, securing the survival of future fishy generations.
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12. Salmon Age in Ear Bones

When fish visit the ear-chiropractor, they're often surprised to learn their age is written on their ear bones: Salmon otoliths, or ear bones, contain growth rings similar to those in trees, enabling researchers to accurately estimate a fish's age and play a crucial role in fish stock assessments and conservation planning.
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13. Biblical Culinary Seafood Star

Serving up a biblical seafood platter: Salmon hold a special place in the culinary hearts of many cultures, notably indigenous communities that have cherished this fishy delight for millennia, and even made their way into the family trees of the Hebrew Scriptures and New Testament as the illustrious great-great-grandaddy of none other than King David.
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14. Salmon and Whale Solidarity

Did you hear about the salmon who's a die-hard fan of Free Willy? They're on a mission to save their beloved orca buddies: In reality, salmon play a key role in supporting the food chain of endangered Southern Resident killer whales, and habitat restoration efforts in river deltas are crucial for the long-term recovery of both salmon and their whale friends, also helping them better adapt to challenges posed by climate change.
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