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10 Amazing Mako Shark Facts: Dive into the Thrilling World of These Remarkable Predators!

illustration of mako-sharks
Dive into the fascinating world of mako sharks and uncover some fin-tastic surprises about these incredible ocean dwellers!

1. Mako Jaws: Size and Decline

Playing hide-and-seek with a real-life Jaws might not be the best of ideas, but if you do end up in such a situation, we recommend you don't seek that particular mako-ver: The shortfin mako shark can reach a staggering 12 feet in length and weigh more than 1,000 pounds, making it one of the largest shark species on the planet. However, these powerful predators are experiencing some serious declines, thanks to humans' insatiable appetite for their valuable fins, leather, and oils.
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2. Fast and Furious Sharks

Hold onto your fins and call them the "Fast and the Furious" of the deep blue sea: Mako sharks can reach speeds up to 60 miles per hour, making them the aquatic equivalent of a cheetah sprinting through the ocean!
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3. Ocean's Marathon Acrobats

Mako sharks might as well be wearing GPS watches while swimming the New York marathon and leaping over 6-foot fences: these tenacious athletes of the sea can reach speeds of 40 mph, put up an intense battle when caught by fishermen—busted by attempting to bite and ram the fishing boat—and defy gravity by soaring up to a whopping 20 feet in the air when hunting, debunking their erstwhile reputation as 30-foot aerial acrobats.
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4. Master Temperature-Controllers

Whoever said sharks are stone-cold killers never met a Mako, the world's most fabulous temperature-controller: These sleek fish use their counter-current heat exchange, made possible by red muscle masses and a clever blood vessel arrangement, to keep themselves toasty and agile for those high-speed hunting sessions!
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Ph.D. in Aquatic Blitzkrieg

5. Ph.D. in Aquatic Blitzkrieg

Mako sharks, nature's very own speed demons with a Ph.D. in Aquatic Blitzkrieg tactics: These highly intelligent creatures have been observed employing jaw-dropping hunting techniques to secure their finned feasts, while simultaneously holding the title of the ocean's fastest and most ferocious sharks.
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6. Aerial Shark Stunts

Remember that scene in Free Willy where the whale soars over the rocks? Imagine a mako shark taking on that role, but in a high-speed, action-packed thriller: These aquatic acrobats can breach up to 30 meters (9 feet) in the air, reaching speeds of 36 mph (57 kph) before going airborne, making this impressive display of athleticism both a testament to their agility and a clever hunting strategy.
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7. Underwater Superhero Speed

If you thought The Flash had some serious competition from the animal kingdom, think of the mako shark as their underwater superhero doppelganger, zipping past, leaving a trail of bubbles and blown-away sea critters: Shockingly, shortfin mako sharks can swim at breakneck speeds of over 80 kilometers per hour, making them one of the fastest swimming shark species, with a high metabolic rate and heat-exchange system that allows them to maintain warmer body temperatures for optimized hunting of tunas, billfish, squid, and fellow sharks.
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8. Aquatic Speed Champions

They say cheetahs are the fastest land animals, but have you ever wondered who rules the aquatic speedway? Enter: the Shortfin Mako shark. Hilarious prelude: So swift and agile that it could give Speedy Gonzales a run for his money – underwater, of course! Serious reveal: This incredible shark can reach speeds up to 31 miles (50 kilometers) per hour, and some reports suggest burst speeds of up to 46 miles (74 kilometers) per hour, effortlessly chasing down even the fastest of fish.
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9. Splashletics High Jump

If you thought the Olympic high jumpers were impressive, you should see mako sharks' version of "splashletics": These acrobatic daredevils can launch themselves up to 20 feet in the air, using their stunning aerial displays to bamboozle their prey before going in for the chomp.
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Racing Usain Bolt

10. Racing Usain Bolt

If a shortfin mako shark challenged Usain Bolt to a race, it'd leave him in the dust (or more appropriately, the ocean spray): These speedy sharks can reach up to 60 miles per hour, making them the fastest sharks in the ocean. With sleek bodies, powerful tails, and a muscular build that would make Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson jealous, they're agile hunters and escape artists when faced with danger.
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