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Discover the Aquatic World: Top 9 Fun & Fascinating Facts About Goldfish!

illustration of goldfish
Dive into the fascinating world of goldfish as we unveil some glittering tidbits that are sure to make a splash!

1. Goldfish Globetrotters

Goldfish may not have passports, but they sure are globetrotters in the aquatic world: Thriving in various environments, from murky waters with low oxygen levels to salty lakes, these hardy creatures can handle temperature swings between a freezing 0°C and a balmy 41°C, and have even set up shop in almost all the states across the U.S., giving native fish a run for their money.
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2. Nibbling Socialites

In a tank that's seemingly filled with finned Oompa-Loompas happily nibbling away all day, goldfish are experts at channeling their inner Augustus Gloop: tirelessly grazing on every bit of green in their underwater Wonka Factory. But don't be fooled by their laissez-faire nibbling, for they are socialites at heart: mastering the art of recognizing both their flamboyant flatmates and their meal-providing human admirers, gracefully debunking the myth that all that glitters is not gold(fake news)fish.
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3. Aquatic Einsteins

Goldfish: putting those with forgetful dispositions to shame since, well, forever! These orange aquatic Einsteins are wicked-smart and boast memories that would make your high school history teacher proud: not only can they remember colors, music, bubbles, and people for a whopping several years, they've also got Houdini-esque escape skills and a knack for breezing through mazes. And with a potential 20-year lifespan, that's a whole lot of memory-making!
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4. Emo Fish Soirée

Who knew goldfish were goth at heart, swimming in shadows and dodging the sun for an emo fish soirée? That's right, these little waterborne wonders are just looking to paint it black: Studies have shown that goldfish, when given a choice, will consistently choose a darker environment over a bright one. This preference for dim surroundings serves as a defense mechanism against predators, like birds, and helps researchers develop models for studying anxiety in the species. Providing a suitable environment for our finned friends in captivity might just mean dimming the lights.
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Laser Tag League Rejects

5. Laser Tag League Rejects

You might be familiar with a cat's purr-suit of that pesky red dot, but did you know that some fin-flappin' friends could be fin-tering the laser tag league as well? Hold on to your fishbowls: Goldfish have been observed swimming after laser pointers, but shining these devices at our aquatic allies can cause harm, including blindness and burns. So, avoid hosting an underwater light show and keep your pets safe.
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6. Tiny House, Stunted Growth

Who needs diet and exercise when you're a goldfish? They know the secret to achieving a slim figure: live in a tiny house with dirty water. Of course, it comes at a steep price...: Goldfish can naturally grow up to a foot in length and weigh over a couple of pounds, with some varieties living for up to 30 years. However, confining them to inadequate space and poor water quality can result in stunted growth, health complications, and an untimely, watery demise.
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7. Ecosystem Disruptors

While goldfish may seem like the ultimate introverted and peace-loving artists of the aquatic world, painting with the gentle strokes of their fins and entertaining their aquatic pals with silent poems, it turns out they aren't entirely harmless in certain situations: Upon their release into the wild, goldfish transform into ravenous eaters and resource hogs, disrupting native ecosystems and making everything a bit less peaceful and picture-perfect for their fellow fish.
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8. Hulk-like Baby Fish

Who needs protein shakes when you're a goldfish, rapidly bulking up like a tiny aquatic Hulk? These finned bodybuilders can put gym rats to shame: In their first few weeks after hatching, some goldfish varieties can increase their body length by a whopping 50% or more in just one week, with factors like food quality, space, and water conditions heavily influencing their gains.
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9. Ch-Ch-Ch-Changeable Goldfish Scales

Long-lost relatives of late-night TV infomercial products, goldfish scales can be quite changeable, but they're not quite "Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia" pets: These aquatic friends have three main scale types – metallic, nacreous, and matte – that determine their coloring throughout their lives, while their color-changing ability is influenced by factors such as lighting, genetics, and age, but they're no chameleons in disguise.
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