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Discover the Quirky World of Crabs: Top 9 Fun Facts You'll Absolutely Love!

illustration of crabs
Dive into the fascinating world of crabs and prepare to be shell-shocked by these claw-some crustacean curiosities!

1. Crabby Haute-Couture

Donning a new coat with the flair of a runway model, crabs have mastered the art of undressing and redressing as a key to their success: They undergo a complex four-stage molting cycle where they shed their hard exoskeleton, develop a new soft layer, pump up their body with water or air to break the old shell, and hide until their new outfit hardens, creating a truly "crabby" haute-couture experience essential to their growth and survival.
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2. Crabby the Magnificent

Meet Crabby the Magnificent, who defies the laws of headgear by daring to wear three mouthparts, a pair of compound eyes, two pairs of antennae, and some snazzy maxilliped accessories all on one magnificent noggin: This wacky crustacean not only struts around with an elaborate head ensemble, but it also uses its maxillipeds primarily for gobbling up delicious grub from the sea floor.
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3. Claw-to-Claw Showdown

Squaring off against an arm wrestling champion at your local pub? Forget humans, try going claw-to-claw with these crustacean masters: coconut crabs possess pincers so strong that they can exert a force of over 1,765 newtons, even more powerful than a human's grip, and with fully grown, four-kilogram crabs boasting up to 3,300 newtons of force - enough to crack open coconuts, prey on rats, and feast on large migratory seabirds like boobies.
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4. Hermit Crab House Flipping

When hermit crabs throw a "shell-ebration," it's all about the real estate and a bit of house flipping: These land-dwelling crustaceans go to great lengths to acquire remodeled snail shells, chemically and physically carving out the interiors to create spacious, lighter homes that prevent dehydration and boost their reproductive capabilities. Securing one of these upgraded shells is a cutthroat affair, with crabs forming lines, evicting competitors, and even risking death for their dream home.
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Mantis Shrimp Body Armor

5. Mantis Shrimp Body Armor

When life gives you mantis shrimps, make...unbreakable body armor? Here's a claw-some truth: Mantis shrimps, distant crab cousins, possess sophisticated club-like front limbs equipped with shock-absorbing structures that prevent cracks from spreading when they throw their mighty punches. Researchers are now clawing ideas from these nifty marine machines to develop superior body armor, car frames, and sports helmets!
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6. Red Crab Mama Mania

Move over Octomom, Red Crab Mama is here to steal the show: Each female red crab can spawn up to 100,000 eggs, carried in a pouch before making their way to the shoreline for the grand egg release party, where survival of the fittest dominates as whale sharks, manta rays, and fish gather for a rare Christmas Island feast.
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7. Decorator Crab Fashionista

Introducing the underwater fashionista, the crafty decorator crab: it scours the ocean floor for the latest in algae, anemone, and sponge trends then sticks them onto its body with its natural Velcro-like hairs, creating a one-of-a-kind camouflage ensemble that protects it from predators and keeps it incognito while dining out.
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8. Pinchers with a Punch

Don't get crabby, but their pinchers pack quite a punch: The mighty coconut crab can exert a jaw-dropping force of up to 750 pounds per square inch with their pinchers, making them one of the strongest animals on Earth when it comes to their size.
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9. Crustacean Optometrist

Have you ever wondered if crabs go to the optometrist? Well, their crustacean cousins might want to consider booking an appointment: crayfish and lobsters boast incredible compound eyes made up of repeating units called ommatidia, allowing them to detect even the slightest changes in light and movement in their watery world!
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