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Discover the Underwater World: Top 12 Amazing and Fun Facts About Catfish You Never Knew!

illustration of catfish
Dive into the fascinating underwater world of catfish as we whisker you away on a journey filled with scintillating secrets and fishy fun facts!

1. Sherlock Whiskers

Step aside, Sherlock Holmes: the channel catfish are here with their mysterious whiskers and unmatched food-hunting finesse! With an underwater superpower that rivals the great detective himself, these whiskered wonders have the case of the missing dinner solved in no time flat: Channel catfish boast an incredible ability to detect proteins dissolved in water thanks to taste buds densely packed around their mouth and barbels, and even distributed all over their body, making them adept at finding food and potential mates in the murkiest of waters.
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2. Mekong Hummer Swallower

Much to the envy of its fellow fish, the Mekong giant catfish seems to have swallowed a Hummer in its past life: The gargantuan creature now holds the title of the largest exclusively freshwater fish ever recorded, boasting a whopping 646-pound maximum weight and stretching to an epic 9 feet in length. Regrettably, sightings of these aquatic behemoths are dwindling, as their endangered status in the Mekong river renders them increasingly elusive.
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3. Tasting Through Skin

You might say catfish have a bit of a tongue-in-cheek approach to dining: they can actually taste their food through their skin, which is covered in a staggering number of taste buds that help them locate prey in the muddiest of waters.
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4. Aquatic Nomads

Catfish: the aquatic nomads that’ve mastered the art of not putting all their eggs in one watery basket! These whiskered world travelers can be found in everything from the raging rivers and lovely lakes to sneaky swamps and charming coastal areas, with pit stops on every continent except those pesky cold ones down under – Antarctica: In essence, catfish boast remarkable adaptability and widespread distribution, making their presence felt in numerous ecosystems around the globe in either solitude or sizable social circles.
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Underwater Pirates

5. Underwater Pirates

Ahoy, underwater pirates! Lurking at the sandy ocean and river bed are the shrewd catfish, using their whiskery barbels for more than just tickling unsuspecting prey: In fact, these cunning creatures boast a remarkable sense of smell that makes them masters of scavenging, capable of detecting food, vibrations, and all sorts of danger in a watery world where danger may lurk. Aquarium enthusiasts also adore the Corydoras and Loricariidae as pint-sized pirate sidekicks for their ability to keep their treasure – or rather, tank – pristine.
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6. Pigeon-Hungry Wels

When pigeons gather for a friendly picnic by the river, they'd best beware the monstrous whiskered fiend lurking below: the wels catfish, known to grow up to 13 feet (4 meters) long and weigh up to 880 pounds (400 kilograms), has a peculiar palate for not only aquatic prey like worms, insects, and other fish, but also has its eyes set on feasting upon unsuspecting pigeons!
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7. Sixth Sense Electroreception

Talk about having a sixth sense: catfish might just be the aquatic Professor X! These whiskered navigators boast a superpower known as electroreception, allowing them to detect electrical fields in living organisms through tiny clusters of special cells on their head and along their lateral line- talk about shockingly efficient hunters!
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8. Blue Catfish Gossip

Fishy conversations and taste-testing the water: blue catfish boast an advanced system of chemical pheromone-based communication, establishing a social order among themselves, while also using sensory tissues on their barbels and skin to taste the surrounding waters in search of food and adjusting their temperature by swimming to warmer or cooler waters seasonally.
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9. Fish-trocution Masters

Yes, fish-trocution is a real thing, and Electri-cat-fish is the guilty party: Some species of catfish have specialized cells called electrocytes, allowing them to produce electric shocks to stun or immobilize their prey.
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Tesla Lovechild

10. Tesla Lovechild

If Nikola Tesla and a housecat had a lovechild, it'd be an electric catfish: an underwater shock-therapist that can zap you with a stunning 350 volts! This jolting feline doppelganger resides in tropical Africa and the Nile River, boasting an electric organ derived from its anterior body muscles, making it not just powerful, but downright electrifying.
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11. Taste-Body Experience

Ever heard of a "taste-body" experience? Catfish have you beat: These whiskered wonders have taste buds not just in their mouths, but sprinkled all over their bodies, allowing them to expertly sniff out dinner and dodge danger in their watery world.
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12. Winking Armored Knight

Ever met a fish that's eyeballing you with a cheeky wink while wearing medieval armor? Well, catfish certainly know how to make an entrance: The julii cory, or leopard cory, comes equipped with "armored" scutes and spikes on its body, making it a tough snack for predators, and even has the mind-boggling ability to rotate its eyes, giving off that elusive winking effect.
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