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Discovering the Tiny World: Top 7 Amazing Fun Facts about Brine Shrimp

illustration of brine-shrimp
Dive into the salty world of brine shrimp and explore the fascinating tidbits that make these tiny creatures worth their salt!

1. Salt Bae of the Sea

Brine shrimp, the original "Salt Bae" of the animal kingdom, know how to shake it like a saltshaker to survive: These tiny critters, also known as Artemia, can withstand up to ten times the salt concentration of ordinary seawater, allowing them to thrive in harsh, hypersaline environments where lesser plankton fear to tread.
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2. Sleeping Beauty Shrimp

In a stunning plot twist that would leave Sleeping Beauty feeling envious, brine shrimp have perfected the art of napping for a whopping two years: These tiny crustaceans possess the superpower of cryptobiosis, allowing them to hit the snooze button on their metabolic processes, hibernating as eggs in temperatures as icy as -190°C. This chilling talent has granted them starring roles in toxicology research while also slaying in their side gig as the ultimate fast-food for aquaculture enthusiasts.
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3. Flamingo Fashionistas

Feeling tickled pink by the fancy flamingos? Turns out, they have brine shrimp to thank for their rosy attire: These shrimp, found in the Los Flamencos National Reserve salt flat and lagoon, contain a pigment called "beta-carotene" that gives flamingos their vibrant hue while also serving as a delicious protein-packed snack that keeps them fueled for their long, migratory journeys. Bonus fun fact: brine shrimp are masters of survival, producing drought-resistant cysts that can live for decades on dry land!
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4. Suspended-Animation Shrimp

These brine shrimp must have taken notes from Sleeping Beauty: they can go into a bizarre, suspended-animation-like state when faced with inhospitable situations! The scientific lowdown: this happens as their internal pH drops, allowing the embryos to survive until conditions improve, although acidic water can still reduce their hatching rates, so a pinch of rock salt is needed to keep their homes alkaline and fry-friendly.
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Fast Food for Migratory Birds

5. Fast Food for Migratory Birds

Birds of a feather dine together on shrimp-flavored salt lakes: Over 250 species of migratory birds annually flock to the Great Salt Lake, depending on brine shrimp as their main course to fuel long journeys. Eared grebes and Wilson's phalaropes can gorge themselves, nearly doubling their weight just by feasting on these tiny aquatic critters. Fast food for thought—it's the shrimp that keeps them airborne!
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6. Phoenix Shrimp

Brine shrimp eggs must have taken survival tips from a phoenix, rising from the ashes of adversity no matter how hot or cold: These tiny aquatic creatures can withstand boiling and freezing temperatures, lying dormant for years, only to hatch triumphantly when the watery world around them welcomes life once more.
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7. Underwater Party Animals

Don't be salty about these underwater party animals: Brine shrimp, often called "Sea-Monkeys," are the life of the ocean's nightly rave, where trillions of critters ascend from the depths of 2,000 feet, playing DJ to a colossal vertical migration that remixes layers of the sea, ensuring proper nutrient distribution and keeping Earth's climatic beat in check.
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