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Galloping Through Trivia: Top 9 Amazing Fun Facts About Thoroughbred Horses!

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Get ready to gallop into the fascinating world of thoroughbred horses, where we'll unveil some neigh-believably intriguing tidbits about these majestic equine athletes.

1. Speed Demons

Hold your horses – this isn't just a one-horse race: Thoroughbred horses can reach lightning-fast speeds of up to 45 miles per hour, claiming the title of the fastest horse breed in the world when it comes to long-distance galloping.
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2. Pricey Pegasus

When Fusaichi Pegasus wasn't busy horsing around with his multi-million dollar horse pals, he was breaking records and stealing hearts on the racetrack: As the most expensive racehorse ever purchased for stud duty at a staggering $70 million, he sired six champion Thoroughbreds worldwide before hanging up his horseshoes in 2020.
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3. Brown Coat Brigade

When brown-nosed stallions take center stage, we know it isn't a shady business meeting but rather a gathering of elite Thoroughbred horses: A whopping 90 percent of these equestrian superstars registered with The Jockey Club show off their chocolatey shades, while the more elusive chestnut, black, grey, roan, and white hues trail behind. Speaking of chestnuts, let's give a neigh of appreciation for Secretariat, who broke records and hearts with his magnificent chestnut coat, stunning physique, and a literal power-packed thorax, as his heart was nearly twice the size of an average horse's.
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4. Horsepower Overload

Who needs a jet engine when you've got a Thoroughbred horse? These living, breathing, galloping rockets make other animals look like they're running on empty: Thoroughbreds boast a VO2 max that can exceed 200mlO2/min/kg, outpacing almost every other creature in the animal kingdom. This is all thanks to their massive hearts and powerful cardiovascular systems that pump up their stroke volume from 1000 ml to a whopping 1700 ml during maximum exertion. It turns out that a big heart isn't just for romance—it's the secret to racehorse success too!
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Triple Crown Redheads

5. Triple Crown Redheads

When chestnut Thoroughbreds come galloping around the bend, you could say they really "paint the town red" on their way to Triple Crown victories: It turns out these ravishing red stallions have secured a total of seven of the prestigious thirteen titles, including triumphs by legendary racehorses like Sir Barton, Secretariat, Affirmed, and Justify - and all without a single black hair on their bodies!
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6. Twin Marvels

Having a plus one is all the rage in thoroughbred horse pregnancies – they're basically living for the hoofballer lifestyle: Thoroughbred horses experience a whopping 25 to 35 percent of twin conceptions, but thanks to ultrasound technology, vets can now detect and reduce one twin as early as Day 15 or 16 of gestation to ensure a successful birth.
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7. Speedy Teeth Swaps

Who needs the tooth fairy when you're a thoroughbred foal? They come pre-equipped with a rapid-fire set of chompers: Born without most of their permanent teeth, these foals sprout their first milk teeth within just a week of life! The switcheroo to their 24 permanent teeth, including 12 incisors, four canines, and eight molars, begins at around six months and is done by their fifth birthday – just in time for a proper carrot cake.
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8. High-Stakes Hawk Eyes

Ever heard of equine spectacles? Well, thoroughbred horses might just give humans a run for their money in the vision department: Boasting a 20/30 rating on the Snellen scale, these majestic creatures possess both monocular and binocular vision, have a keen eye during dusk, and can even spot red, blue, and brighter shades of yellow and green, only struggling with darker shades of those colors.
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9. A Breeding Buzzword

Hold your horses, folks, and mind your purebred Ps and Qs! Swift hoof-beaters from lands like Arabia, they galloped into the nineteenth-century England and sparked an equine frenzy to outpace Mr. Darcy himself: Thoroughbred horses have their name derived from the concept of their pure bloodline, as mentioned by the English author Henry William Herbert in his book "Horse and Horsemanship" in 1857, bred with an emphasis on bone strength and frame size, and were often called "bloodhorses" to represent their pedigree and pure breeding.
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