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Swing into the Jungle: Top 6 Amazing Fun Facts about Spider Monkeys You'll Love!

illustration of spider-monkeys
Get ready to swing into the fascinating world of spider monkeys, where you'll discover some wildly entertaining and intriguing fun facts about these acrobatic primates!

1. Tarzan's Spider Monkey Best Friend

If Tarzan had a best friend who was a monkey, it would definitely be the spider monkey: these agile acrobats use their unusually long, prehensile tails not only for balance and climbing but also as a fifth limb to swing gracefully from tree to tree in the jungles of Central and South America.
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2. Speedy Tree-Top Swingers

Ever wonder who inspired Tarzan to swing through the jungle with such finesse? Meet the incredible spider monkeys: These acrobatic primates can zip through treetops at astonishing speeds of up to 35 mph, making them some of the most rapidly moving arboreal creatures on our planet.
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3. Bar-Hopping Bachelor Monkeys

Spider monkeys: the original bar-hopping bachelors! These hairy Casanovas are known to swing from limb to limb, scouring the treetops for love and adventure: Male spider monkeys often travel in groups near their community's territorial boundaries in search of female companionship, while females with infants prefer to stay within safer zones to protect their young.
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4. Webless Climbers and Nutty Diets

When life gives you spider monkeys, make...juice? Not quite: Spider monkeys expertly use their long arms, prehensile tails, and hooked thumbs to climb trees without ever having to weave webs like their arachnid misnomers. They swing using a hand-over-hand movement, known as brachiation, which conserves energy, and are able to enjoy meals of nuts, fruits, seeds, flowers, insects, and spiders while effortlessly hanging onto branches.
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Tarzan's Brachiating Teachers

5. Tarzan's Brachiating Teachers

Ever wonder where Tarzan got his moves? Hold onto your vine, folks, as it seems spider monkeys may have beat him to it: these nimble creatures are among the rare species capable of brachiating, using their long arms, nimble fingers, and flexible shoulder joints to nimbly swing between tree branches, much like the fabled Lord of the Jungle himself.
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6. Tinder-worthy Tail Huggers

If spider monkeys were on Tinder, they'd be the ultimate huggers, snugglers, and tail-embracers! Forget about hand holding; these primates are the embodiment of "you complete me": Spider monkeys show affection by hugging each other and wrapping their tails around their companions, demonstrating their intelligence and the significance of their relationships.
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