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Discover the Tiny World of Shrews: Top 6 Fun Facts You Never Knew!

illustration of shrews
Dive into the fascinating world of shrews, where you'll uncover delightful tidbits about these tiny, elusive creatures that are sure to leave you awe-struck and entertained.

1. Caffeinated Hummingbird Metabolism

Blink and you'll miss them: the tiny Speedy Gonzales of the animal kingdom, zipping around with the metabolism of a caffeinated hummingbird on overdrive. Quite shrew-d: these wee creatures boast a heart rate of 800-1000 beats per minute, can make 12 body movements per second, and chow down on their own body weight in food daily. Equipped with radar-like whiskers and non-hollow fangs that deliver paralyzing venom, they've evolved to be both swift and sneaky snackers.
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2. Energizer Bunny Competitor

Move over, Energizer Bunny - shrews are the real long-lasting, cold-weather champions of the animal world: Common shrews maintain a constant body temperature without increasing their metabolism, even in sub-zero temperatures, making them incredibly efficient at conserving energy and granting them the ability to colonize colder regions.
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3. Echolocation Karaoke

Unlike human karaoke champions, shrews sing with purpose and skill: These tiny creatures expertly use echolocation to hunt down their dinner and navigate through nature's messiest dance floors – the leaf litter and snowy tunnels.
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4. Mini Venom Factories

Shrewd venom connoisseurs in training: Some species of shrews, such as the northern short-tailed shrew and Eurasian water shrew, possess the incredible ability to produce toxins in their saliva, effectively turning their tiny mouths into mini venom factories to hunt and store prey with minimal energy expenditure and risk of predation.
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Death Metal Heartbeats

5. Death Metal Heartbeats

Not skipping a beat, as if dancing to the rhythm of a death metal concert: the pigmy shrew's heart races faster than any other mammal, reaching an earth-shattering 1300 beats per minute, according to National Geographic.
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6. Sherlock Holmes of Shrews

Introducing the Cape elephant shrew: part elephant, part mouse, mostly a teeny-tiny Sherlock Holmes! This little critter boasts large detective-like peepers which aid its day-to-day sleuthing: with keen vision, it nabs tiny prey, spots lurking baddies, and zips through rocky terrains, boasting a brain that's mainly focused on visual stimuli - talk about putting those eyes to good use!
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