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Discover the Wacky World of Ring-Tailed Lemurs: 12 Amazing Fun Facts You Need to Know!

illustration of ring-tailed-lemurs
Get ready to leap into the fascinating world of ring-tailed lemurs, where the fun facts are as unique and playful as these charming creatures themselves.

1. Flag-waving Tails

If you thought flags were only meant for nations, think again, because lemurs have their own way of waving to the world: Ring-tailed lemurs use their iconic tails as a method of communication, holding them upright and waving them to maintain group cohesiveness, while also serving as a balancing tool when they're leaping between trees and foraging on the ground.
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2. Scent-marking Communication

Ring-tailed lemurs take the phrase "you smell intriguing" to a whole new level. As the ringleaders of the scent-marking game, their gland game is on point, offering hints, secrets, and even a whiff of romance: Male ring-tailed lemurs have multiple scent glands that communicate important information about their genetics, health, and social status, while females have a single scent gland indicating their fertility or pregnancy status. These scents help prevent inbreeding, establish dominance, and mark territories – all while seriously upping their social networking capabilities.
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3. Stink Fight Championships

In a world where fancy cologne and perfume battles just don't cut it, ring-tailed lemurs prefer more pungent tactics: using scent glands on their wrists and shoulders, males engage in "stink fights" during breeding season, lasting up to an hour, waving their fragrance-filled tails at each other to compete for females, territory, or food.
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4. Female-led Duke Lemur Center

"Ladies first" seems to be the motto at the Duke Lemur Center in North Carolina, where they gladly follow the footsteps of famous female primatologists and take charge in primate patriarchy: The majority of staff and volunteers are women, with five out of seven department heads being female, though it's worth mentioning that not all lemur species share the same female-dominant social structure.
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Lemu-yoga Masters

5. Lemu-yoga Masters

As masters of the ancient art of lemu-yoga, ring-tailed lemurs can often be found striking poses worthy of envy on The Yoga Journal's cover: These limber primates love to sunbathe, stretching out their arms and legs as they bask in the sun, seeking warmth and inspiration for their next sculpted stance.
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6. Mammalian Morse Code

Picture a group of ring-tailed lemurs in the middle of a heated game of "telephone": chattering away, tails twitching with gossip, and trying to outsmart predators with the power of their animal connection. But wait, there's more to this Mammalian Morse Code: Ring-tailed lemurs possess a versatile vocal repertoire, boasting specific alarm calls that warn their buddies of various threats, like ground-based and airborne predators. While they don't exactly have a 1-kilometer range, their cunning communication effectively keeps their group safe and well-informed within their natural habitat.
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7. Emoji-faced Lemurs

If emojis had a spirit animal, it might just be a ring-tailed lemur, because their facial-expression game is strong: these furry socialites communicate with one another using a range of faces such as staring wide-eyed, baring their teeth in a scream, or even showcasing a pout, coupled with their position as one of the most vocal primates boasting a repertoire of diverse alarm calls to navigate the dangers of their world.
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8. Lemur Reality TV

If lemurs hosted their own reality TV show, it would be called "Scent Marking, Scuffles, and Socialites": Ring-tailed lemurs communicate through a blend of vocalizations, body language, and scent marking, and often engage in fun activities like wrestling and chasing, all within social groups that can reach up to 30 members led by a fierce squad of dominant females.
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9. Potluck Party Lemurs

If ring-tailed lemurs were invited to a potluck, they'd surely be the life of the party, trying out a little bit of everything on offer: Ring-tailed lemurs are actually opportunistic omnivores that enjoy a diverse menu consisting of plants, leaves, fruits, flowers, tree bark, sap, insects, small reptiles, and even small birds, all while quenching their thirst from the very vegetation they devour.
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Texting, Lemur-style

10. Texting, Lemur-style

Move over, modern-day texting and emojis - these furry critters have got communication in the bag: Ring-tailed lemurs use a whopping 15 different calls and their very own "eau de lemur" scent glands to convey messages, while raising their tails high in the air as a version of "follow the leader" to keep their troupe together.
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11. Toothcomb Grooming

In the world of primate dentistry, lemurs have found the perfect way to "comb over" their bad hair days: Ring-tailed lemurs possess a unique dental structure known as a "toothcomb," which they use to groom themselves and their furry friends, enhancing their hygiene and solidifying social bonds within their group.
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12. Ring-Tailed Tuxedo Mask Dating

When dating, lemurs would go bananas for a Ring-Tailed Tuxedo Mask, a true olfactory hunk with a stinky streak and a penchant for acrobatics: Amidst fierce stink and jump battles, these dashing males engage in duels by waving their wrist and shoulder glands to woo the ladies while leaping into the air brandishing their fearsome canines, ultimately proving that love knows no bounds or rank, even as females give their fair share of chances for neighboring Casanovas despite interruptions from rival Romeo mercenaries.
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