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Discover the Wacky World of Proboscis Monkeys: Top 13 Fun Facts You Can't Miss!

illustration of proboscis-monkeys
Dive nose-first into the fascinating world of proboscis monkeys, where life is always a little bit... long-faced!

1. Nose Record Breakers

For noses that break records and steal hearts, look no further than the world of proboscis monkeys, who could singlehandedly give Pinocchio a run for his money: Males of this species possess noses that can grow up to an impressive 10.2 centimeters (4 inches) in length, apparently for the sole purpose of wooing a potential mate with their hard-to-miss schnoz.
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2. Strength in the Schnoz

Who nose what women really want? Introducing proboscis monkeys, king of the schnoz: These primates boast noses up to 7 inches long that symbolize male strength and virility, yet studies show that the ladies aren’t solely smitten by nose size. These discerning dames also swoon over factors like body mass and testis size to determine their handsome hunk's reproductive prowess.
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3. Aquatic Ape Makeovers

In a world where dating apps have yet to be invented, male proboscis monkeys have turned to extreme nasal makeovers to make their love lives "noseworthy": Their large and pendulous schnozzes not only amplify their calls to entice potential mates, but also warn off competing males. These aquatic apes also have a penchant for taking the plunge, as they frequently leap from treetops into rivers, showcasing their Olympian-level swimming prowess. But alas, their bulbous noses are not intended for underwater breathing, so don't expect a proboscis sighting in the Snorkeling Hall of Fame!
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4. Leafy Lunch Lovers

Talk about a leafy lunch: Proboscis monkeys have a specially-equipped stomach with multiple chambers and cellulose-digesting bacteria, enabling them to devour leaves which remain indigestible to other primates, but they still like to sweeten the deal with some fruits and flowers.
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Borneo's Baywatch

5. Borneo's Baywatch

In an alternate aquatic universe where Proboscis monkeys are the original Baywatch lifeguards, showing off their enviable swimming prowess: these skilled primates can dive deep underwater, traveling up to 20 meters (65.6 feet) while foraging or making a quick escape from predators.
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6. Primate Swim Champs

Move over, Michael Phelps, there's a new swim champ in town, and it's a primate! The proboscis monkey has truly made a splash in the aquatic world: Boasting partially webbed fingers and toes for increased agility and power, these guys can effortlessly navigate their watery habitats, sharing this unique adaptation with other primates such as colobus monkeys and some species of macaques.
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7. Fibrous Meal Munchers

Despite being named after a body part that would give Pinocchio a run for his money, proboscis monkeys are no liars when it comes to their love for a hearty, fibrous meal: These fascinating primates have special fermentation chambers in their guts that help break down tough mangrove leaves, causing their stomachs to appear bloated and account for up to a whopping 1/4 of their body weight.
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8. Schnoz Success in Love

Talk about a nose for love: Male proboscis monkeys with larger schnozzes are more successful at wooing the ladies, thanks to the deeper calls produced by their sizable snouts, signaling strength and mating potential.
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9. Aquatic Adventures

Monkey see, monkey do, monkey dive: Proboscis monkeys are actually the most aquatic of all primates, frequently leaping off tree branches into the waters of Borneo's rivers, coastal mangroves, and swamps, rarely venturing onto land for food, and even snoozing near water at night.
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Diving Monkey Masters

10. Diving Monkey Masters

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming: like a proboscis-ified Dory, these monkeys can out-swim crocodiles and glide through mangrove sludge with ease, thanks to their webbed feet, covering submerged distances of up to 65 feet (20 meters).
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11. Out-nosing Pinocchio

Move over, Pinocchio: there's a new honker in the animal kingdom taking top honors in the nose game! Proboscis monkeys sport colossal schnozzes as they strut their stuff in a social system of one-male groups, where nose size - not canine size - actually indicates fighting prowess, and plays a key role in their competitive mating shenanigans.
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12. Monkeys of Mammoth Magnitude

With a schnoz so massive it could have its own zipcode, proboscis monkeys certainly put Pinocchio to shame: These bulbous-nosed Borneo residents use their glorious seven-inch schnozzles to amplify their calls and woo the ladies, translating to more successful reproductive outcomes for the well-endowed gents.
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13. Proboscis Persistence

When the going gets tough, the tough get going – especially if you're a proboscis monkey with a sizable schnoz: The population of these big-nosed primates in Balikpapan Bay, Indonesian Borneo, managed to remain stable between 2007 and 2017 despite habitat degradation and loss, as revealed by a recent census.
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