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Discover the Fluffy World: 11 Adorable and Amusing Facts About Persian Cats

illustration of persian-cats
Get ready to feline-tastic as we whisk(er) you away on a purr-suit of knowledge with these delightful fun facts about Persian cats!

1. Beauty Pageant Felines

If Persian cats were part of the beauty pageant world, their smushed faces and luscious locks would definitely make them the stars of the catwalk (pun intended): These purrfectly photogenic felines come in a kaleidoscope of shades, such as white, black, blue, cream, chocolate, and red, and can flaunt blue, green, or copper eyes to mesmerize any onlooker.
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2. Noble Aristocat History

Gather 'round, all you feline-loving aristocrats, for a tale of lavish kitty luxury: Persian cats were once decadent status symbols for European nobles in the 17th century, imported from Persia (Iran) and treasured throughout France, Italy, and England. Fear not, modern-day paupers, for these sweet-natured fluff balls have now graciously descended from their opulent thrones and continue to be one of the most popular cat breeds in the United States.
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3. Unicorns of the Feline World

If you thought unicorns were nature's most gentle and majestic creatures, you're forgetting about the "unicorns of the feline world": Persian cats! These fluffy bundles of love are known for their sweet and mild-mannered temperament, being affectionate with their human companions and getting along splendidly with other kitties and well-behaved pups. Just make sure you handle them with care, because they prefer velvet-pawed interactions over rambunctious rumbling. Fun factoid: Persian cats think roughhousing is for hooligans!
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4. Claw-some Freddy Krueger

Believe it or not, Persian cats can give Freddy Krueger a run for his money in the claw department when left untrimmed: To avoid their own unintentional horror show, Persian cat owners should trim their feline friends' claws every 10 days to 2 weeks using specially-designed clippers, taking care to avoid the quick and keep their kitties injury-free.
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Hollywood Starlet Fur and Eyes

5. Hollywood Starlet Fur and Eyes

When it comes to Persian cats, you could say they're the feline world's equivalent of a Hollywood starlet with an ever-changing wardrobe and colored contact lenses: their glamorous fur can come in various patterns and shades such as white, black, blue, cream, chocolate, and red, while their bewitching eyes may dazzle in hues of blue, green, or copper!
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6. OG Doll Face Persian

Not every Persian cat is a flat-faced selfie superstar rivalling Kim Kardashian: The OG Doll Face Persian actually sports a charming round face, free from any breathing difficulties that plague their Peke-Face and Exotic Shorthair kin.
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7. Picasso's Furry Masterpiece

If Picasso painted cats, Persians would be his abstract masterpiece: boasting over 20 distinct colors and patterns such as chinchilla, tabby, blue-cream, and even chocolate tortoiseshell within their breed, these furry felines are art in motion.
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8. Persian Couch-Fu and Sudden Leap Attack

Though Persian cats may often be mistaken for Zen masters in fluffy fur coats, they're actually known to practice the ancient art of Couch-Fu and Sudden Leap Attack: These poised furballs aren't above jumping on counters, play fighting, or scratching furniture, but proper training and playtime during their youth can help curtail these mischievous habits, letting their inner feline monks shine through.
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9. Felines of Fortune

Whoever said money can't buy happiness clearly didn't have a Persian cat around! Known as the felines of fortune, you'd think they'd descended from the gods, making it rain wherever they go: In many cultures, having a Persian cat is considered a symbol of good luck, wealth, and even a divine connection to ancient Egypt and Persia. Not only are they snuggly spiritual advisors, but they're also purr-fectly suited for offering emotional support and inner peace to their human companions.
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Marie Antoinette's Kitty Glam Squad

10. Marie Antoinette's Kitty Glam Squad

Kitty close-up: If Marie Antoinette had a glam squad, the Persian would be her stylist, ensuring her coiffure à la victime was always on point: These fancy felines have been gracing the laps of royals since the 1600s, with Queen Victoria herself purr-sonally endorsing their majestic origin story in Mesopotamia, present-day Iran.
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11. Fifty Shades of Fluff

Step aside, Fifty Shades of Grey, and welcome Fifty Shades of Fluff: Persian cats boast an impressive color palette, with over 50 fur shades and combinations adorning their adorable, squishy faces. The serious reveal: This ancient cat breed, dating back to the 1600s, has enjoyed popularity among jet-setters and royalty throughout history, but requires particular grooming and medical care due to a genetic mutation affecting their hair protein function. Their chill demeanor and love for tranquil environments make them perfect companions for older kids and serene households, where their beautiful bonds with family members can truly shine.
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