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Discover the Quirky World of Pangolins: Top 11 Fun Facts You Need to Know

illustration of pangolins
Dive into the fascinating world of pangolins, nature's walking pinecones, and uncover a treasure trove of quirky tidbits that'll have you rolling like a pangolin in no time!

1. Termite-Free Real Estate Agents

When they're not moonlighting as the inspiration for bizarre Pokémon or auditioning for a role as Mother Nature's attempt at a medieval knight, pangolins secretly hold the key to termite-free real estate: These scaly little exterminators can chow down on over 0.66 pounds of termites in one sitting and keep a whopping 41 acres (equivalent to 31 football fields) termite-free, proving they're essential to preserving a balanced forest ecosystem.
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2. Sherlock Holmes of the Animal Kingdom

If Sherlock Holmes was a scaly mammal with a flair for sniffing out critters, he'd be a pangolin: Equipped with an extraordinary sense of smell, pangolins can detect ants and termites from afar, and their tongues attach near their pelvis, extending up to 40cm to effortlessly retrieve their prey, while curved claws enable them to dig into the soil with ease.
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3. Pangolin Yoga Masters

Not your everyday yoga masters, pangolins have mastered the ancient art of rolling into a stress-relieving ball of zen, armed with built-in weapons to keep predators at bay: When threatened, these resourceful creatures curl up tightly, using their impressively sharp-scaled tails as a stalwart shield against any would-be assailant.
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4. Hedgehog-Envy Ball Technique

Behold the pangolin, nature's master of the "Let's roll up and pretend it's not happening" technique, an expertly-performed curling maneuver that would leave even a hedgehog green with envy: When confronted by a predator, pangolins curl into an impenetrable ball, safeguarding their soft belly and presenting sharp scales as an untouchable armor, proving that sometimes playing ball is the ultimate game-changer!
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Tongue-Foolery of the Sunda Pangolin

5. Tongue-Foolery of the Sunda Pangolin

In a remarkable display of "tongue-foolery", the Sunda pangolin has mastered the longest, stickiest, and most effective anteater slurpee-straw of all time: extending nearly the length of its body, this extraordinary tongue comes slathered in a gooey saliva that effortlessly snags ants and termites, while powerful stomach muscles pulverize the pesky exoskeletons to extract their nutritious wealth.
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6. Chipotle Burrito-Style Parenting

Who says helicopter parenting is a human thing? Wrapped up tighter than a Chipotle burrito, pangolin moms are nature's original hover parents: Curled protectively into a ball around their young, they teach them to crunch termites and ants without a tutor, eventually setting them free after 2 years of close-knit nurturing, once they've mastered the art of adulting.
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7. Inescapable Insect Escape Room

Ever heard of nature's own Escape Room for insects? Pangolins host a permanent one right inside their mouths: These scaly creatures have special muscles designed to keep ants and termites trapped after capture, ensuring they enjoy a full meal with no crawly escapes.
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8. Knights' Spirit Animal

If knights had spirit animals, surely pangolins would be their top choice: These scaly cuties have their own built-in chainmail! When danger looms, they curl up into an impenetrable ball with overlapping scales and even wield their sharp-scaled tails to deliver a prickly counterattack. Quite the mammalian fortress!
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9. Nature's Exterminator

Pangolins, nature's very own exterminator on a strict termite and ant diet: These armored, tongue-flicking goofballs devour a staggering 70 million insects each year, keeping your backyard picnic intruder-free.
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Medieval Mammal Armor

10. Medieval Mammal Armor

If knights of old could learn a trick from the animal kingdom, the pangolin would be their go-to tutor: these remarkable creatures come equipped with a natural suit of armor made of keratin, covering every inch of their body, including their face and tail. With hundreds of protective scales, they can curl into a nearly impenetrable ball - making even the sharpest predator claws think twice before trying to unroll this medieval mammal.
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11. Rapunzel-Tongue and Vertebrae Record Holder

Imagine a creature with a tongue so long, it could star in its own twisted fairytale alongside Rapunzel's hair: Meet the pangolin, a peculiar mammal that not only has a tongue longer than its body, but also holds the record for the most vertebrae among mammals, with an impressive 46-47 in the long-tailed species. Unfortunately, they've traded in their glass slippers for a spot on the endangered list, as they're now the world's most illegally traded wild mammal. But fear not, the conservation cavalry at ZSL is riding to their rescue, working hard to ensure these charming oddities stick around for future generations to admire.
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