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Discover the Delightful: Top 13 Fun Facts About Newfoundland Dogs You'll Absolutely Love

illustration of newfoundland-dogs
Dive into the world of gentle giants and discover the delightful quirks and fascinating trivia about the lovable Newfoundland dogs!

1. Aquaman's Canine Sidekick

If Aquaman ever needed a sidekick, we've got just the canine for the job: Newfoundland dogs boast webbed feet and exceptional swimming skills, often being trained as lifeguard dogs and having a proud history of rescuing people from drowning.
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2. Newfoundland: Sea Captain Dogs

If Aquaman needed a four-legged sidekick with a wagging tail, there's no better candidate than the Newfoundland dog: A remarkable swimmer with webbed feet, powerful muscles, and a thick double coat, these gentle giants are famously known as "nanny dogs" and boast a rich history of rescuing stranded sailors thanks to their formidable aquatic prowess, even garnering accolades in the world of therapy.
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3. Shark Senses: Maritime Recovery Newfies

Shark feelings, dog style: Newfoundland dogs take their aquatic abilities up a notch, using their powerful sniffers to locate missing people and objects underwater, making them the masters of maritime recovery operations.
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4. Canine Pirate: Newfie Edition

Ahoy, mateys! Ready to have a whale of a time? Meet the Newfie, the canine pirate that traded in its eye patch and peg leg for rescues and cart-pulling: Newfoundland dogs were bred as working dogs specializing in ship duties and cart-pulling, but their real claim to fame today is their skill in cold-water rescues thanks to their mighty build and natural ability to swim like sinewy sea captains.
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Living Fur Carpet: Shedding Adventures

5. Living Fur Carpet: Shedding Adventures

If giving a "furmination treatment" to your canine friend is as satisfying as popping bubble wrap to you, then meet the Newfoundland dog, nature's living, breathing, carpet of fluff: The young ones don't shed much, but adult Newfies erupt into a furry volcano around 6-18 months. Their shedding peaks during spring and fall, with hair loss lasting 3-4 weeks, and they don't reach full coat glory until age 3. Regular grooming with proper tools keeps the avalanche of fur in check. Adopt a Newfie and prepare for a hair-raising adventure!
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6. Furry Lifeguard Baywatch

When Newfoundland dogs put on their life jackets, it's like watching a bunch of furry lifeguards preparing to Baywatch their way into rescuing drowning humans: Contrary to popular belief, these skilled swimmers don't rely on the doggy paddle, but instead use all four legs to expertly maneuver through the water, making them both adorable and highly efficient in water rescues.
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7. Ride-sharing Puppers

Move over, Uber: Newfoundland dogs have long been the original ride-sharing service for kids in need of a cute lift! These powerhouse pups are adept at pulling small carts, often carrying loads and even children, thanks to their incredible strength and adaptable nature. Gradual weight increases and age-appropriate training ensure cart-pulling Newfies develop without strain, while proper harness fittings keep them both comfortable and injury-free as they provide the most adorable transportation service on the planet.
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8. Honorary Lifeguard Newfies

When it comes to water rescues, these furry heroes have more than just a "paw-sitive" attitude; they're practically honorary lifeguards with their breed-specific swim trunks: Newfoundland dogs are natural-born swimmers, equipped with a thick, waterproof coat and webbed feet. Their instinct to save humans and other animals in distress is truly impressive and makes them loyal and protective family members.
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9. Michael Phelps' Furry Rival

Move over, Michael Phelps; there's a furrier, four-legged swim champion in town: Newfoundland dogs are renowned for their exceptional swimming abilities, equipped with webbed feet and water-resistant coats, which enabled them to perform water rescues throughout history, to the extent that lifeguard stations in England required two of these gentle giants on duty. They even once pawtastically saved Napoleon Bonaparte from drowning!
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Lassie Meets Phelps: Lifeguard Dog

10. Lassie Meets Phelps: Lifeguard Dog

If Michael Phelps and Lassie had a gigantic, furry lovechild, you'd have the Newfoundland dog: a downright astonishing swimmer thanks to its webbed feet and water-resistant coat, making it the ideal candidate for water rescue and search operations - a true and lovable "lifeguard dog."
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11. Drool Art Master: Slobberific Newfies

Move over, Picasso, there's a new artist in town, and their medium is drool: Newfoundland dogs possess the extraordinary talent of creating intricate slobber art, including necklaces and earrings, even blowing magnificent bubbles, all thanks to their large jowls and loose lips which act as the perfect canvas for saliva to accumulate and spill over.
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12. Aquaman's Double-Coated Sidekicks

When they're not busy signing autographs for their doppelgänger roles in "The Bear and the Hare," Newfoundland dogs are secretly Aquaman's sidekicks: These gentle giants sport a water-repelling double coat with an insulating undercoat, keeping them warm when saving sailors from icy waters, and cool in hot, humid conditions. But, don't forget to invite them inside, as extreme temperatures still require some good ol' human protection and shelter.
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13. Seaman: Historic Explorer Pooch

What do a historic explorer and Scooby-Doo have in common? A canine sidekick with a knack for adventure: Seaman, a Newfoundland dog, joined Captain Meriwether Lewis on his 1803 expedition across the western United States. Though overlooked in journal entries at first, Seaman soon carved a reputation as a top-notch hunter, valiant watchdog, and cuddly companion, earning praises from fellow explorers and even inspiring name debates—Scannon or Seaman? You make the call!
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