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Discover the World of Lemurs: Top 9 Amazing and Fun Facts You Need to Know!

illustration of lemurs
Dive into the enchanting world of lemurs, those fluffy-tailed, wide-eyed wonders, as we reveal some truly fascinating tidbits about these captivating creatures!

1. Lemurs: Alzheimer's Research Superstars

Before you go bananas over the Minions' silly antics, let us introduce you to their arguably wittier ancestors: lemurs! These mischievous, tree-hopping primates aren't just here for our amusement, they're also genetic goldmines. In fact, lemurs play a crucial role in Alzheimer's research and have provided key insights into the gut microbiome while living the good life at Duke Lemur Center, the world's largest lemur sanctuary that doubles as a genetic ark for these endangered creatures.
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2. Coquerel's Sifaka: Dancing Queen Lemur

Whoever said "dance like no one's watching" probably took a cue from the Coquerel's sifaka: This lemur species moves gracefully along the ground with a "sideways gallop," holding up their arms for balance as if performing an elegant, choreographed dance – and it's all captured in a delightful video from Chester Zoo.
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3. Scent-sational Lemur Gossip

You might say lemurs are the original "scent-sational" socialites of the animal kingdom, gossiping about their long-lost primate cousins through aromatic olfactory conversations: These affable primates communicate within their large social groups using built-in perfume dispensers, with females rocking scent glands near their tails and males sporting glands on their wrists and chests. But remember, while they may smell reputable, lemurs are federally protected and require extensive care – so getting them as a pet might require navigating an "odor-deal" of regulations and responsibilities!
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4. Lemurs: Night Vision Goggle Pioneers

Lemurs: the original night vision goggles of the animal kingdom! As it turns out, these adorable creatures possess something called the tapetum lucidum in their eyes, allowing them to see better in low light environments. This nifty feature is shared by both nocturnal and some diurnal lemurs like the ring-tailed, sifaka, and indris lemur, but keep in mind, complete darkness is still a no-go for them.
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Toothcomb Trendsetters

5. Toothcomb Trendsetters

While dentists won't envy their methods, lemurs really know how to comb-over their dental hygiene game: these furry trendsetters rock a toothcomb, a formation of lower incisors and elongated canines, perfect for grooming themselves and fellow critters, while also playing a key role in maintaining their dental health and digestion.
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6. Ring-tailed Lemur Reunions: Earplugs Needed

If you ever thought your family was loud at reunions, you probably haven't met the ring-tailed lemur crew: These primates wail louder than a rock band when they're feeling lost, using this high-decibel distress call to reconnect with their group, while also purring during grooming sessions and sounding alarm bells to alert others of lurking predators.
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7. Madagascar: Lemur VIP Island

Once upon a time, when Madagascar was the ultimate primate paradise, lemurs partied in their exclusive VIP section - away from the hustle and bustle of the primate evolution nightclub: These furry VIPs, who hitched a ride on nature's Uber (a floating mat of vegetation) around 40 to 52 million years ago, have been chilling on the island ever since, making them one of the oldest primate groups in the world. But party crashers called humans arrived 2,000 years ago, and now lemurs only have 10% of their island left to boogie down, with many on the brink of saying adieu to the VIP life for good.
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8. Sahamalaza Sportive Lemur: Eavesdropping Expert

Who needs friends when you've got ears for days: The Sahamalaza sportive lemur, or Lepilemur sahamalazensis, listens in on the conversations of its forest neighbors to escape toothy encounters with predators like the fossa, Madagascan harrier hawk, and tree boa snake, despite being a solitary, nocturnal creature without a built-in buddy system for warnings.
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9. Stink and Jump: Lemur Love Battles

Step aside, middle school dance-offs, lemurs have got the ultimate courtship ritual: Male lemurs participate in stink and jump battles during mating season, waiving their wrist and shoulder glands while attempting to slash each other with their upper canines. Females are known to play the field, mating with multiple partners as the breeding season lasts a mere 1-3 weeks in April.
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