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Discover the Wild Side: Top 12 Fascinating and Fun Facts About Kit Foxes You Never Knew!

illustration of kit-foxes
Dive into the fascinating world of kit foxes as we unravel some of the most intriguing and amusing tidbits about these cunning creatures.

1. Furry Footwear

These desert-dwelling sly foxes have figured out the secret to fabulous footwear without spending a paw and a tail: Kit foxes actually have fur on their paw pads, providing them with vitally important traction as they navigate the scorching sands of their arid habitat.
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2. Curious Canine Companions

They say curiosity killed the cat, but in the case of kit foxes, it just gets them cozy with the humans: these fearless furballs tend to saunter up to us bipedal creatures with an air of affable familiarity when let loose from traps, making them the unapologetic extroverts of the canid world, completely ditching their distant cousins' aversion to human contact.
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3. Masterful Fox Real Estate

Move over, HGTV: Kit foxes are the original masters of home improvement and real estate. With an eye for subterranean style and a knack for constructing cozy multi-chambered dens, these tiny foxes have the ultimate night life and a territory that could make any realtor jealous: In fact, kit foxes can build up to thirty swanky dens per year, allowing them to regulate their body temperature, avoid pesky predators, and roam an impressive nine miles per night while searching for prey within their up to twelve square mile territories.
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4. Super Sonic Swiveling Ears

Move over, Professor X, there's a new listener in town: Kit foxes flaunt their impressive rotating ears, which can swivel a full 180 degrees, enabling them to detect prey hiding underground or dodge predators like coyotes and raptors with ease.
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Night Owl Party Animals

5. Night Owl Party Animals

Move over, social butterflies – night owls have a new party animal in town: the sly and sociable San Joaquin kit foxes! Sometimes mistaken for tiny lunar party planners with their moonlit shenanigans, these adorable fluff balls don't let the darkness dampen their spirits: In fact, a 7-month study in California observed them engaging in playful activities, allogrooming, mutual foraging, and pair-mate bonding, with aggressive encounters between adult males occurring only rarely. There's nothing like foxing around under the stars with your furry pals!
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6. Five-Star Furry Feasts

If a kit fox were to host a dinner party, it would be a five-star furry affair, complete with a diverse menu of rodents, insects, birds, reptiles, and the pièce de résistance: black-tailed jackrabbit! The dainty diner may even indulge in human hors d'oeuvres: Kit foxes are wily hunters feasting on a variety of prey, even stashing extras and occasionally nibbling on human food.
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7. Camel-Like Water Conservation

Kit foxes must have attended the camel school of water conservation, because they're pretty amazing at keeping their bodies hydrated without taking a single sip: In fact, kit foxes rarely drink water, instead relying on the moisture from the six ounces of food they consume daily to stay hydrated and healthy.
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8. Designer Desert 'Sandshoes'

Who needs snowshoes when you've got fox soles tailor-made for desert life? Kit foxes scoff at the idea of sinking into soft sand, all thanks to their own pair of designer "sandshoes": their hairy soles function just like snowshoes, providing them with a sand-proof grip and stability while traversing loose dunes!
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9. Urban Dwelling Fox Maestros

Move over, city slickers, there's a new urban dweller in town armed with fluff and cunning survival skills: the SJ kit foxes have adapted to thrive amidst the urban jungle of Bakersfield, finding food and shelter among 400,000 human neighbors, cementing their place as true metropolitan maestros!
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Fast and Furry-ious Growth

10. Fast and Furry-ious Growth

Ready for a fast and furry-ious journey? Kit foxes grow up faster than you can say "swipe left on adulting"!: These remarkable creatures experience all stages of development within their first year of life, transforming from blind and helpless newborns to fully-formed adults capable of reproduction.
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11. Desert Satellite Dish Ears

Coming to you live from the desert's very own satellite dish: the kit fox! These fluffy entertainers have a pair of oversized, overachieving ears that do more than just catch the latest gossip of the animal kingdom: they also help the crafty critters stay cool by dispersing heat from their bodies as they navigate their scorching desert homes.
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12. Spicing Up Fox Love Lives

Whoever said "variety is the spice of life" must have been channeling their inner kit fox: These clever canines mix up their love lives with monogamous commitments and even some yearly partner swaps. The serious reveal: Kit foxes breed during October and November, with a gestation period of 49 to 55 days, and have litters of 1 to 7 kits, with both parents sharing child-rearing duties and their offspring reaching sexual maturity at just 10 months old.
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