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Discover the Wild: Top 11 Fun and Fascinating Facts About Jackals You Never Knew!

illustration of jackals
Embark on a journey through the wild world of jackals, where fascinating secrets and amusing tidbits about these cunning canines await your discovery!

1. Killer Teamwork Skills

When jackals aren't busy being sly in folktales or giving an old coyote a run for its money, they're showcasing their killer teamwork skills: Golden jackals have a cooperative hunting approach, making pairs thrice as successful as lone predators, and practice shared parenting methods, with grown-up "helper" jackals sticking around to aid their parents in raising the younger litter.
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2. Nature's Power Couple

'Til death do us bark: Jackals are nature's power couple, as these canine cuties practice lifelong monogamy and team up to raise their little pups together!
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3. Dining on a Dime

They might not be the junkyard dogs of the wild, but golden jackals sure know how to dine on a dime: these clever canines prefer munching on menu items under 4 kg, like little wild critters and tasty fruits, without a side of human garbage.
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4. Smorgasbord Diet

Jackals may not have the culinary sophistication of a MasterChef, but their dinners are like a smorgasbord of the animal kingdom: Golden jackals have a diverse diet ranging from young gazelles, rodents, hares, ground birds and their eggs, reptiles, frogs, fish, insects, to fruit, showcasing their opportunistic hunting skills, which they often do in pairs or with family members, but surprisingly, they're not the janitors of nature with a preference for carrion and waste.
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Canine A Cappella

5. Canine A Cappella

Do jackals frequent karaoke night, or are they part of some underground canine a cappella? Fear not, they're simply exhibiting their natural way of communicating: Jackals are known for their highly social behavior, forming packs of up to 10 individuals and engaging in various vocalizations such as barks, howls, and yelps. Not to mention, their palatable appetite extends to enjoying small mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects.
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6. Fashionable Stripes & Tails

You'd think they were sporting this season's stripes and the latest in tail accessories: The side-striped jackal uniquely flaunts indistinct body stripes and a fashionable white-tip on its tail to stand out amongst its jackal brethren.
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7. Ride-or-Die Couples

Jackals: the OG ride-or-die couples of the animal kingdom, proving that true love isn't just a fairy tale or a cheesy rom-com subplot: In reality, these monogamous canids mate for life and have gestation periods of only 2 months, giving birth to litters of 2-9 pups that rely on their blind, underground-dwelling early days and older siblings' regurgitated meals and hunting lessons for their survival.
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8. Anubis: The OG Jackal Party

Before Anubis put the "fun" in funeral and became the OG Jackal-headed life of the afterlife party: He was revered as the protector of the dead in ancient Egypt, helping souls find their way and administering eternal justice, even when Osiris took over the title of "First of the Westerners."
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9. Cunning Little Detectives

Move over Sherlock Holmes, it's all about the Jackal now! Cunning little detectives of the animal kingdom: Jackals are celebrated for their sneaky smarts, even earning the title of hero in the ancient Indian fable "The Clever Jackal" from the Panchatantra, where one resourceful jackal outwits hunters to save a deer's life, proving that their intellect is a force to be reckoned with in the wild.
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Hooting Side-Striped Jackals

10. Hooting Side-Striped Jackals

Whoever said jackals couldn't hoot must have had their head in the sand: The side-striped jackal has a one-of-a-kind "owl-like hoot" instead of the standard howl, which has led the Karamajong people to lovingly call them "o loo."
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11. Golden Jackals: Adaptable Survivors

Move over, Freddy Mercury, because these golden jackals are adapting to our human world and declaring, "I want to break free!" Remarkable as it seems, these determined canids have found fertile grounds in Europe thanks to some intriguing changes: The golden jackal's growing presence in Europe can be attributed to factors such as alterations in land use and climate change, along with the decline of the grey wolf as both a predator and competitorā€”proving that these witty creatures are not only survivors, but also adept at seizing opportunity when it strikes.
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