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Discover the Moovelous World: Top 6 Fun Facts About Holstein Cows You Won't Believe!

illustration of holstein-cows
Get ready to be utterly amazed as we dive into the fascinating world of Holstein cows with these moovelous fun facts!

1. Milkapalooza Headliner

If cows were rock stars, then Holstein cows would be the headline act at a sold-out "Milkapalooza": In 2017, the Americow "Selz-Pralle Aftershock 3918" smashed world records by producing 78,170 pounds of milk in a single year, beating a fellow Canadian Holstein's efforts. These incredible animals keep udderin' success, with their average annual lactation of 23,000 pounds of milk keeping them top choice for American dairy farmers. Globally, Holsteins are moo-ving on up too – thanks to their excellent genetics and adaptability, these beauties are being exported to help boost dairy production in countries far and wide.
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2. Dairy-tale Superstar

If cows had a rags-to-riches story, it'd be a dairy-tale of Holstein proportions: A champion milk dispenser, the average Holstein cow blesses us with around 23,000 pounds of liquid gold per lactation – with the Wisconsin udder-wonder, Selz-Pralle Aftershock 3918, setting a world record by producing a whopping 78,170 pounds of milk in a single year!
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3. Bovine Fashion Icons

Moo-ve over fashionistas, these bovine beauties wear their bold monochrome patterns 24/7 with pride, and sometimes even go for a daring red ensemble: Holstein cows, the largest of the U.S. dairy breeds, weigh about 1500 pounds and can produce an average of 23,000 pounds of milk each lactation, with record setters like "Selz-Pralle Aftershock 3918" delivering an udderly impressive 78,170 pounds of milk in just one year.
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4. Spot the Difference

These bovine beauties would dominate in a game of "spot the difference," with their udderly unique black-and-white patterns that leave humans wondering if they're the cow-version of inkblot tests: The quirky Holstein cows, originally hailing from the Netherlands, boast one-of-a-kind spot formations on their hides, shattering the old wives' tale that wicked "witch cows" had smaller udders — a myth with no foundation in true Holstein cow history or traits.
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Cream of the Crop

5. Cream of the Crop

Udderly phenomenal and cream of the crop, Holstein cows give us a lot to toast: these black-and-white bovine marvels churn out an average of 22,000 pounds of milk each year, with one record-holding cow producing a staggering 78,000 pounds in a single year!
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6. Milk-o-matic Marvel

Ladies and gentlemen, step right up and feast your eyes upon the bovine milk-o-matic known as the Holstein cow, which has udderly dominated the world of dairy with their moo-gnificent productivity: These champion milk makers hold the world record in milk production, with an average of 17,408 pounds per year in 1987, and the top producers casually churning out up to 67,914 pounds of milk in just 365 days when milked twice daily.
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