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Discover 12 Amazing Hare Fun Facts: From Speedy Sprints to Moonlit Mating Rituals

illustration of hares
Get ready to hop into a world of fascinating tidbits and entertaining trivia as we unearth some of the most intriguing fun facts about hares!

1. Speedy Hare-lympians

Step aside, Usain Bolt – there's a new speedster in town, and it's got more fluff than a pillow fight: The European or Brown Hare (Lepus europaeus) hits an astounding top speed of 70 kilometers per hour (45 miles per hour), making it one of the fastest mammals on land! It outruns its predators like foxes and birds of prey, skipping on the penthouse apartments of dens and relying on its leggy athleticism and sharp senses for survival.
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2. Mr. Darcy Hare-lifestyle

It's 1772, and Mr. Darcy is a European hare: dashing and gallant by moonlight, slightly elusive and languorous when the sun is high. Behold, a tale of unparalleled nocturnal escapades and daytime siestas unfolds: While male hares gallivant all night like Regency-era gentlemen, female hares take prim-and-proper breaks between their moonlit soirees, sometimes extending their adventures into broad daylight during summer getaways.
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3. Camouflage Fur Fashionistas

These fashion-forward hares must have invented seasonal looks before fashion houses even existed, with their fur turning from a chic summer brown to a sleek winter white: Snowshoe hares are championing camouflage by changing fur color from reddish-brown in the summer to pure white with black ear tips in the winter, keeping them incognito amid their environment and safe from predators.
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4. Reality TV-worthy Love Lives

If hare polyamory, love triangles, and boxing matches sound like the plot of a reality TV show you'd binge watch, then "March Madness" is the nature's soap opera streaming live in the world of hares: European hares engage in polygyny and polygynandry during the breeding season, resulting in daytime male hare antics that include chasing and boxing each other, while the females test their determination and suitability for mating.
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March Basketball Mating Rituals

5. March Basketball Mating Rituals

You might think the "March Madness" craze only extends to basketball, but the real ballers on the court of love are the brown hares in the UK! Leaping fast breaks and dribbling hearts, their swift moves would leave anyone impressed: In March, brown hares engage in a high-energy mating ritual where bucks chase does across fields; while females evade their suitors with swift movements, it's not considered aggressive boxing.
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6. Ultimate Baby-Makers

Who said hares can't have their bun and eat it too? These multitasking "hare-oes" are the ultimate baby-makers of the animal kingdom: Female European brown hares exhibit superfetation, a reproductive phenomenon where they can develop a second pregnancy while still carrying a fully developed litter inside them, allowing them to deliver up to one third more offspring per reproductive season.
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7. Flash-worthy Agility Races

Have you ever wondered who'd win in a race between a hare and the Flash? Well, the hare just might speed past its competition, leaving everyone in the dust - quite literally! Hilarious prelude: In the wild world of hares, you'll find the scrub hare taking the gold medal for agility: serious reveal: These lightning-fast furballs can reach astonishing speeds of up to 60-70 km/h, making them a real-life "hare-o" when it comes to evading predators like jackals, leopards, wild dogs, and birds of prey.
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8. Gourmet Dropping Dining

Talk about gourmet recycling: hares have a fancy habit of dining on their own droppings to extract every last bit of nutrition! Hilarious prelude: They consume their soft, moist cecotropes, giving their digestive system a second shot at absorbing those elusive nutrients, eventually producing the dry, fibrous pellets we often spot in the fields.
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9. Mad as a March Hare

Feeling "mad as a March hare"? Perhaps you've been channeling your inner European hare, prepping for a hare-larious dating show filled with boxing bouts and spontaneous trampoline practice! The serious reveal: This kooky behavior isn't a sign of insanity; rather, it's a completely natural display during the European hare's reproductive cycle in March.
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Animal Olympic Champions

10. Animal Olympic Champions

In the animal kingdom's Olympic Games, the hare would surely be the Usain Bolt of the bunch, sprinting across fields like lightning and leaving predators in the dust: These speedy athletes can reach astonishing speeds of up to 35 miles per hour and are masters of evasive maneuvers, including employing zig-zag patterns to outsmart and bewilder their pursuers like foxes, stoats, buzzards, and owls.
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11. Hare vs. Rabbit Identity Mix-up

Once tangled in a hare-raising tale of mistaken identity, where rabbits gave birth to swift and lively bundles of fur, hares laughed at their cozy-eyed cousins and coined the phrase, “That’s hare-larious!”: In reality, hares give birth to leverets who are born fully furred and with open eyes, unlike rabbits' kits, who are born fur-less and with closed eyes. Moreover, hares and rabbits differ in several aspects, such as hares having longer legs and ears while being more solitary than rabbits, and the curious case of the misnomers “jackrabbit” and “swamp hare” – the former being a hare species while the latter is actually a rabbit.
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12. Droppings Recyclers

You might say hares know a thing or two about recycling: they dine on their own droppings to give their dinners a second run. Nature's eco-friendly enthusiasts, hares obtain additional nutrients and enzymes from their meals by indulging in coprophagy, expertly extracting sustenance from those tough, fibrous plants that leave other animals stumped.
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